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7 Expressions

Expressions in HAC depart somewhat from CAST style and follow from ANSI C grammar more closely. Here we list a few differences.

The equality operator in CAST was =, but C and HAC use ==. However, use of the deprecated = operator is allowed if the expression is wrapped in parentheses, e.g. (x=y).

Less-than '<' and greater-than '>' operators now need to be parenthesized to dismbiguate them from template parameter delimiters, See Templates. For example, in CAST, [ X<Y -> ... ] would need to be re-written in HAC [ (X<Y) -> ... ].

Logical operators in CAST were & and |, but in C and HAC, they are respectively && and ||. This makes way for bitwise operators (on integers) & and |.

XOR (bitwise integer) is ^ in HAC.

Logical XOR (for booleans) current uses != instead of ^, however, overloading ^ might be added back at some point.

The standard boolean and integer operations are strictly type-checked. At compile-time, there is no implicit conversion between pbool and pint values. For example, one cannot use an integer expression as a boolean, whereas in C, the integer is implicitly compared against 0.

Explicit casting operators may be added in the future.

Function expressions may be added in the future.