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Appendix B Grammar

"Yacc" owes much to a most stimulating collection of users, who have goaded me beyond my inclination, and frequently beyond my ability in their endless search for "one more feature". Their irritating unwillingness to learn how to do things my way has usually led to my doing things their way; most of the time, they have been right.
– S. C. Johnson, "Yacc guide acknowledgements

This appendix describes the HAC language's grammar. The grammar is context-free and LR(1), so traditional yacc and bison (LALR(1)) parser generators will work with it.

    0 $accept: module $end
    1 module: embedded_module
    2 embedded_module: imports_optional top_root
    3 imports_optional: imports
    4                 | /* empty */
    5 imports: imports import_item
    6        | import_item
    7 import_item: IMPORT
    8            | EMBEDFILE BEGINFILE embedded_module ENDFILE
    9 top_root: body
   10         | /* empty */
   11 body: body body_item
   12     | body_item
   13 body_item: namespace_item
   14          | definition
   15          | prototype_declaration
   16 namespace_item: namespace_management
   17               | instance_item_extended
   18               | type_alias
   19 namespace_management: NAMESPACE ID '{' top_root '}'
   20                     | OPEN namespace_id RARROW ID ';'
   21                     | OPEN namespace_id ';'
   22 namespace_id: relative_id
   23 definition: defproc
   24           | defdatatype
   25           | defchan
   26           | defenum
   27 prototype_declaration: declare_proc_proto ';'
   28                      | declare_datatype_proto ';'
   29                      | declare_chan_proto ';'
   30                      | declare_enum ';'
   31 type_alias: optional_export optional_template_specification TYPEDEF physical_type_ref ID ';'
   32 template_specification: TEMPLATE template_formal_decl_list_in_angles
   33                       | TEMPLATE template_formal_decl_list_optional_in_angles template_formal_decl_nodefault_list_in_angles
   34 optional_template_specification: template_specification
   35                                | /* empty */
   36 optional_export: EXPORT
   37                | /* empty */
   38 def_or_proc: DEFINE
   39            | DEFPROC
   40 declare_proc_proto: optional_export optional_template_specification def_or_proc ID optional_port_formal_decl_list_in_parens
   41 defproc: declare_proc_proto '{' optional_definition_body '}'
   42 optional_port_formal_decl_list_in_parens: '(' port_formal_decl_list ')'
   43                                         | '(' ')'
   44 template_formal_decl_list_in_angles: '<' template_formal_decl_list '>'
   45 template_formal_decl_nodefault_list_in_angles: '<' template_formal_decl_nodefault_list '>'
   46 template_formal_decl_list_optional_in_angles: template_formal_decl_list_in_angles
   47                                             | '<' '>'
   48 template_formal_decl_list: template_formal_decl_list ';' template_formal_decl
   49                          | template_formal_decl
   50 template_formal_decl_nodefault_list: template_formal_decl_nodefault_list ';' template_formal_decl_nodefault
   51                                    | template_formal_decl_nodefault
   52 template_formal_decl: base_param_type template_formal_id_list
   53 template_formal_decl_nodefault: base_param_type template_formal_id_nodefault_list
   54 template_formal_id_list: template_formal_id_list ',' template_formal_id
   55                        | template_formal_id
   56 template_formal_id_nodefault_list: template_formal_id_nodefault_list ',' template_formal_id_nodefault
   57                                  | template_formal_id_nodefault
   58 template_formal_id_default: ID optional_dense_range_list '=' expr
   59 template_formal_id_nodefault: ID optional_dense_range_list
   60 template_formal_id: template_formal_id_default
   61                   | template_formal_id_nodefault
   62 port_formal_decl_list: port_formal_decl_list ';' port_formal_decl
   63                      | port_formal_decl
   64 port_formal_decl: port_physical_type_ref port_formal_id_list
   65 port_formal_id_list: port_formal_id_list ',' port_formal_id
   66                    | port_formal_id
   67 port_formal_id: ID optional_dense_range_list
   68 port_generic_type_ref: generic_type_ref optional_chan_dir
   69 generic_type_ref: generic_id strict_relaxed_template_arguments
   70 optional_chan_dir: chan_dir
   71                  | /* empty */
   72 chan_dir: '?'
   73         | '!'
   74         | '?' '?'
   75         | '!' '!'
   76 port_physical_type_ref: port_generic_type_ref
   77                       | port_base_chan_type
   78                       | port_base_data_type_ref
   79 physical_type_ref: generic_type_ref
   80                  | base_chan_type
   81                  | base_data_type_ref
   82 port_base_data_type_ref: base_data_type_ref optional_chan_dir
   83 base_data_type_ref: base_data_type strict_relaxed_template_arguments
   84 data_type_ref: base_data_type_ref
   85              | generic_type_ref
   86 type_id: physical_type_ref
   87        | base_param_type
   88 base_param_type: PINT_TYPE
   89                | PBOOL_TYPE
   90                | PREAL_TYPE
   91                | PSTRING_TYPE
   92 port_base_chan_type: chan_or_port data_type_ref_list_optional_in_parens
   93 base_chan_type: CHANNEL data_type_ref_list_optional_in_parens
   94 chan_or_port: CHANNEL optional_chan_dir
   95 data_type_ref_list_optional_in_parens: '(' data_type_ref_list_optional ')'
   96 data_type_ref_list_optional: data_type_ref_list
   97                            | /* empty */
   98 data_type_ref_list: data_type_ref_list ',' data_type_ref
   99                   | data_type_ref
  100 base_data_type: INT_TYPE
  101               | BOOL_TYPE
  102 declare_datatype_proto: optional_export optional_template_specification DEFTYPE ID DEFINEOP data_type_ref optional_port_formal_decl_list_in_parens
  103 defdatatype: declare_datatype_proto '{' optional_datatype_body set_body_optional get_body_optional '}'
  104 set_body_optional: set_body
  105                  | /* empty */
  106 get_body_optional: get_body
  107                  | /* empty */
  108 set_body: SET '{' chp_body_optional '}'
  109 get_body: GET '{' chp_body_optional '}'
  110 declare_enum: ENUM ID
  111 defenum: ENUM ID '{' enum_member_list '}'
  112 enum_member_list: enum_member_list ',' ID
  113                 | ID
  114 declare_chan_proto: optional_export optional_template_specification DEFCHAN ID DEFINEOP base_chan_type optional_port_formal_decl_list_in_parens
  115 defchan: declare_chan_proto '{' optional_datatype_body send_body_optional recv_body_optional '}'
  116 send_body_optional: send_body
  117                   | /* empty */
  118 recv_body_optional: recv_body
  119                   | /* empty */
  120 send_body: SEND '{' chp_body_optional '}'
  121 recv_body: RECV '{' chp_body_optional '}'
  122 definition_body: definition_body definition_body_item
  123                | definition_body_item
  124 definition_body_item: instance_item_extended
  125                     | type_alias
  126 optional_definition_body: definition_body
  127                         | /* empty */
  128 optional_datatype_body: datatype_body
  129                       | /* empty */
  130 datatype_body: datatype_body datatype_body_item
  131              | datatype_body_item
  132 datatype_body_item: connection_body_item
  133                   | lang_spec
  134 connection_body_optional: connection_body
  135                         | /* empty */
  136 connection_body: connection_body connection_body_item
  137                | connection_body_item
  138 connection_body_item_base: connection_statement
  139                          | nonempty_alias_list ';'
  140                          | instance_direction_statement
  141                          | instance_type_completion_statement
  142                          | instance_type_completion_connection_statement
  143                          | instance_attribute_statement
  144 connection_body_item: connection_body_item_base
  145                     | loop_connections
  146                     | conditional_connections
  147 instance_management_list_optional: instance_management_list
  148                                  | /* empty */
  149 instance_management_list: instance_management_list instance_item_extended
  150                         | instance_item_extended
  151 instance_item_extended: instance_item
  152                       | language_body
  153 instance_item: type_instance_declaration
  154              | connection_body_item_base
  155              | loop_instantiation
  156              | conditional_instantiation
  157 loop_instantiation: '(' ';' ID ':' range ':' instance_management_list ')'
  158 conditional_instantiation: '[' guarded_instance_management_list ']'
  159 loop_connections: '(' ';' ID ':' range ':' connection_body ')'
  160 conditional_connections: '[' guarded_connection_body ']'
  161 type_instance_declaration: type_id instance_id_list ';'
  162 instance_id_list: instance_id_list ',' instance_id_item
  163                 | instance_id_item
  164 instance_id_item: ID optional_template_arguments_in_angles sparse_range_list
  165                 | ID optional_template_arguments_in_angles
  166                 | ID optional_template_arguments_in_angles extended_connection_actuals_list
  167                 | ID optional_template_arguments_in_angles '=' alias_list
  168 connection_statement: member_index_expr extended_connection_actuals_list ';'
  169 extended_connection_actuals_list: optional_implicit_global_connections connection_actuals_list
  170                                 | implicit_global_connections
  171 optional_implicit_global_connections: implicit_global_connections
  172                                     | /* empty */
  173 implicit_global_connections: '$' member_index_expr_list_in_parens
  174 generic_attribute: ID '=' expr_list
  175                  | ID
  176                  | string
  177 generic_attribute_list: generic_attribute_list ';' generic_attribute
  178                       | generic_attribute
  179 generic_attribute_list_in_brackets: '[' generic_attribute_list ']'
  180 instance_type_completion_statement: index_expr complex_expr_optional_list_in_angles ';'
  181                                   | generic_id complex_expr_optional_list_in_angles ';'
  182 instance_direction_statement: member_index_expr chan_dir ';'
  183 instance_attribute_statement: member_index_expr '@' generic_attribute_list_in_brackets ';'
  184 instance_type_completion_connection_statement: index_expr complex_expr_optional_list_in_angles extended_connection_actuals_list ';'
  185                                              | generic_id complex_expr_optional_list_in_angles extended_connection_actuals_list ';'
  186 nonempty_alias_list: nonempty_alias_list '=' complex_aggregate_reference
  187                    | complex_aggregate_reference '=' complex_aggregate_reference
  188 alias_list: alias_list '=' complex_aggregate_reference
  189           | complex_aggregate_reference
  190 connection_actuals_list: '(' complex_aggregate_reference_list ')'
  191 guarded_instance_management_list: guarded_instance_management_list_unmatched THICKBAR instance_management_else_clause
  192                                 | guarded_instance_management_list_unmatched
  193 guarded_instance_management_list_unmatched: guarded_instance_management_list_unmatched THICKBAR guarded_instance_management
  194                                           | guarded_instance_management
  195 guarded_instance_management: expr RARROW instance_management_list_optional
  196 instance_management_else_clause: ELSE RARROW instance_management_list_optional
  197 guarded_connection_body: guarded_connection_body_unmatched THICKBAR connection_body_else_clause
  198                        | guarded_connection_body_unmatched
  199 guarded_connection_body_unmatched: guarded_connection_body_unmatched THICKBAR guarded_connection_body_clause
  200                                  | guarded_connection_body_clause
  201 guarded_connection_body_clause: expr RARROW connection_body_optional
  202 connection_body_else_clause: ELSE RARROW connection_body_optional
  203 language_body: CHP_LANG '{' chp_body_optional '}'
  204              | HSE_LANG '{' hse_body_optional '}'
  205              | PRS_LANG member_index_expr_list_in_angles_optional '{' prs_body_optional '}'
  206              | lang_spec
  207 lang_spec: SPEC_LANG '{' spec_body_optional '}'
  208 chp_body: full_chp_body_item_list
  209 chp_body_optional: chp_body
  210                  | /* empty */
  211 chp_body_or_skip: chp_body
  212                 | SKIP
  213 chp_sequence_group: '{' full_chp_body_item_list '}'
  214 full_chp_body_item_list: full_chp_body_item_list ';' full_chp_body_item
  215                        | full_chp_body_item
  216 full_chp_body_item: chp_concurrent_group
  217 chp_body_item: chp_statement_attributes chp_statement
  218              | chp_statement
  219 chp_statement_attributes: '$' '(' generic_attribute_list ')'
  220 chp_statement: chp_loop
  221              | chp_do_until
  222              | chp_selection
  223              | chp_wait
  224              | chp_binary_assignment
  225              | chp_bool_assignment
  226              | chp_send
  227              | chp_recv
  228              | chp_peek
  229              | chp_metaloop_selection
  230              | chp_metaloop_statement
  231              | function_call_expr
  232 chp_loop: BEGINLOOP chp_body ']'
  233 chp_do_until: BEGINLOOP chp_unmatched_det_guarded_command_list ']'
  234 chp_wait: '[' chp_guard_expr ']'
  235 chp_selection: '[' chp_matched_det_guarded_command_list ']'
  236              | '[' chp_nondet_guarded_command_list ']'
  237 chp_metaloop_selection: '[' ':' ID ':' range ':' chp_guarded_command ']'
  238                       | '[' THICKBAR ID ':' range ':' chp_guarded_command ']'
  239 chp_metaloop_statement: '{' ',' ID ':' range ':' chp_body '}'
  240                       | '{' ';' ID ':' range ':' chp_body '}'
  241 chp_nondet_guarded_command_list: chp_nondet_guarded_command_list ':' chp_guarded_command
  242                                | chp_guarded_command ':' chp_guarded_command
  243 chp_matched_det_guarded_command_list: chp_unmatched_det_guarded_command_list THICKBAR chp_else_clause
  244                                     | chp_unmatched_det_guarded_command_list
  245 chp_unmatched_det_guarded_command_list: chp_unmatched_det_guarded_command_list THICKBAR chp_guarded_command
  246                                       | chp_guarded_command
  247 chp_guarded_command: chp_guard_expr RARROW chp_body_or_skip
  248 chp_guard_expr: chp_logical_or_expr
  249 chp_unary_bool_expr: chp_simple_bool_expr
  250                    | chp_not_expr
  251                    | '(' chp_logical_or_expr ')'
  252                    | chp_probe_expr
  253                    | function_call_expr
  254 chp_probe_expr: '#' member_index_expr
  255 chp_simple_bool_expr: member_index_expr
  256                     | BOOL_TRUE
  257                     | BOOL_FALSE
  258 chp_unary_expr: '-' chp_unary_expr
  259               | chp_unary_bool_expr
  260               | loop_expr
  261               | INT
  262               | FLOAT
  263 chp_mult_expr: chp_unary_expr
  264              | chp_mult_expr muldiv_op chp_unary_expr
  265 chp_add_expr: chp_mult_expr
  266             | chp_add_expr_only
  267 chp_add_expr_only: chp_add_expr '+' chp_mult_expr
  268                  | chp_add_expr '-' chp_mult_expr
  269 chp_paren_add_expr: '(' chp_add_expr_only ')'
  270                   | chp_mult_expr
  271 chp_shift_expr: chp_paren_add_expr
  272               | chp_shift_expr EXTRACT chp_add_expr
  273               | chp_shift_expr INSERT chp_add_expr
  274 chp_relational_expr: chp_shift_expr relational_op chp_shift_expr
  275                    | chp_paren_add_expr
  276 chp_bitwise_and_expr: chp_relational_expr
  277                     | chp_bitwise_and_expr '&' chp_relational_expr
  278 chp_bitwise_xor_expr: chp_bitwise_and_expr
  279                     | chp_bitwise_xor_expr '^' chp_bitwise_and_expr
  280 chp_bitwise_or_expr: chp_bitwise_xor_expr
  281                    | chp_bitwise_or_expr '|' chp_bitwise_xor_expr
  282 chp_logical_and_expr: chp_bitwise_or_expr
  283                     | chp_logical_and_expr LOGICAL_AND chp_bitwise_or_expr
  284 chp_logical_or_expr: chp_logical_and_expr
  285                    | chp_logical_or_expr LOGICAL_OR chp_logical_and_expr
  286 chp_not_expr: '~' chp_unary_bool_expr
  287 chp_else_clause: ELSE RARROW chp_body_or_skip
  288 chp_binary_assignment: member_index_expr ASSIGN expr
  289 chp_bool_assignment: member_index_expr '+'
  290                    | member_index_expr '-'
  291 chp_concurrent_item: chp_body_item
  292                    | chp_sequence_group
  293 chp_concurrent_group: chp_concurrent_group ',' chp_concurrent_item
  294                     | chp_concurrent_item
  295 chp_send: member_index_expr '!' connection_actuals_list
  296         | member_index_expr '!'
  297 chp_recv: member_index_expr '?' member_index_expr_list_in_parens_optional
  298 chp_peek: member_index_expr '#' member_index_expr_list_in_parens
  299 hse_body_optional: hse_body
  300                  | /* empty */
  301 hse_body: full_hse_body_item_list
  302 full_hse_body_item_list: full_hse_body_item_list ';' full_hse_body_item
  303                        | full_hse_body_item
  304 full_hse_body_item: hse_body_item
  305 hse_body_item: hse_loop
  306              | hse_do_until
  307              | hse_wait
  308              | hse_selection
  309              | hse_assignment
  310              | SKIP
  311 hse_loop: BEGINLOOP hse_body ']'
  312 hse_do_until: BEGINLOOP hse_matched_det_guarded_command_list ']'
  313 hse_wait: '[' expr ']'
  314 hse_selection: '[' hse_matched_det_guarded_command_list ']'
  315              | '[' hse_nondet_guarded_command_list ']'
  316 hse_guarded_command: expr RARROW hse_body
  317 hse_else_clause: ELSE RARROW hse_body
  318 hse_nondet_guarded_command_list: hse_nondet_guarded_command_list ':' hse_guarded_command
  319                                | hse_guarded_command ':' hse_guarded_command
  320 hse_matched_det_guarded_command_list: hse_unmatched_det_guarded_command_list THICKBAR hse_else_clause
  321                                     | hse_unmatched_det_guarded_command_list
  322 hse_unmatched_det_guarded_command_list: hse_unmatched_det_guarded_command_list THICKBAR hse_guarded_command
  323                                       | hse_guarded_command
  324 hse_assignment: unary_assignment
  325 prs_body_optional: prs_body
  326                  | /* empty */
  327 prs_body: prs_body prs_body_item
  328         | prs_body_item
  329 prs_body_item: single_prs
  330              | prs_loop
  331              | prs_conditional
  332              | prs_macro
  333              | TREE_LANG optional_template_arguments_in_angles '{' prs_body_optional '}'
  334              | SUBCKT_LANG optional_template_arguments_in_angles '{' prs_body_optional '}'
  335 prs_macro: prs_literal mandatory_member_index_expr_list_in_parens
  336          | generic_attribute_list_in_brackets prs_literal mandatory_member_index_expr_list_in_parens
  337 prs_loop: '(' ':' ID ':' range ':' prs_body ')'
  338 prs_conditional: '[' prs_guarded_list ']'
  339 prs_guarded_list: prs_guarded_list_unmatched THICKBAR prs_else_clause
  340                 | prs_guarded_list_unmatched
  341 prs_guarded_list_unmatched: prs_guarded_list_unmatched THICKBAR prs_guarded_body
  342                           | prs_guarded_body
  343 prs_guarded_body: expr RARROW prs_body_optional
  344 prs_else_clause: ELSE RARROW prs_body_optional
  345 single_prs: generic_attribute_list_in_brackets prs_expr prs_arrow prs_literal_base dir
  346           | prs_expr prs_arrow prs_literal_base dir
  347 prs_arrow: RARROW
  348          | IMPLIES
  349          | HASH_ARROW
  350 dir: '+'
  351    | '-'
  352 prs_expr: prs_or
  353 prs_paren_expr: '(' prs_expr ')'
  354 prs_literal_base: relative_member_index_expr
  355                 | '@' ID optional_dense_range_list
  356 prs_literal: prs_literal_base prs_literal_params_in_angles_optional
  357 prs_literal_params_in_angles_optional: '<' prs_literal_params_optional ';' generic_attribute_list '>'
  358                                      | '<' prs_literal_params '>'
  359                                      | /* empty */
  360 prs_literal_params_optional: prs_literal_params
  361                            | /* empty */
  362 prs_literal_params: prs_literal_params ',' prs_literal_param
  363                   | prs_literal_param
  364 prs_literal_param: expr
  365 prs_unary_expr: prs_literal
  366               | prs_paren_expr
  367               | prs_and_loop
  368               | prs_or_loop
  369 prs_not: '~' prs_unary_expr
  370        | prs_unary_expr
  371 prs_and: prs_and '&' prs_operator_attribute_optional prs_not
  372        | prs_not
  373 prs_or: prs_or '|' prs_and
  374       | prs_and
  375 prs_operator_attribute: '{' dir prs_expr '}'
  376 prs_operator_attribute_optional: prs_operator_attribute
  377                                | /* empty */
  378 prs_and_loop: '(' '&' ':' ID ':' range ':' prs_expr ')'
  379 prs_or_loop: '(' '|' ':' ID ':' range ':' prs_expr ')'
  380 spec_body_optional: spec_body
  381                   | /* empty */
  382 spec_body: spec_body spec_item
  383          | spec_item
  384 spec_item: spec_directive
  385          | spec_invariant
  386 spec_invariant: '$' '(' prs_expr ')'
  387               | '$' '(' prs_expr ',' string ')'
  388 spec_directive: ID expr_list_in_angles_optional grouped_reference_list_in_parens
  389 grouped_reference_list_in_parens: '(' grouped_reference_list_optional ')'
  390 grouped_reference_list_optional: grouped_reference_list
  391                                | /* empty */
  392 grouped_reference_list: grouped_reference_list ',' grouped_reference
  393                       | grouped_reference
  394 grouped_reference: '{' mandatory_member_index_expr_list '}'
  395                  | member_index_expr
  396 paren_expr: '(' expr ')'
  397 literal: INT
  398        | FLOAT
  399        | string
  400        | BOOL_TRUE
  401        | BOOL_FALSE
  402 string: string STRING
  403       | STRING
  404 id_expr: generic_id
  405 generic_id: relative_id
  406           | absolute_id
  407 absolute_id: SCOPE relative_id
  408 relative_id: qualified_id
  409            | ID
  410 qualified_id: qualified_id SCOPE ID
  411             | ID SCOPE ID
  412 mandatory_member_index_expr_list_in_parens: '(' mandatory_member_index_expr_list ')'
  413 mandatory_member_index_expr_list: mandatory_member_index_expr_list ',' member_index_expr
  414                                 | member_index_expr
  415 member_index_expr_list: member_index_expr_list ',' optional_member_index_expr
  416                       | optional_member_index_expr
  417 member_index_expr_pair: optional_member_index_expr ',' optional_member_index_expr
  418                       | optional_member_index_expr
  419 optional_member_index_expr: member_index_expr
  420                           | /* empty */
  421 member_index_expr: id_expr
  422                  | index_expr
  423                  | member_expr
  424 relative_member_index_expr: ID
  425                           | local_index_expr
  426                           | local_member_expr
  427 local_index_expr: local_member_expr sparse_range_list
  428                 | ID sparse_range_list
  432 index_expr: member_expr sparse_range_list
  433           | id_expr sparse_range_list
  437 simple_expr: member_index_expr
  438            | literal
  439 unary_expr: simple_expr
  440           | function_call_expr
  441           | paren_expr
  442           | loop_expr
  443           | '-' unary_expr
  444           | '!' unary_expr
  445           | '~' unary_expr
  446 function_call_expr: member_index_expr optional_implicit_global_connections connection_actuals_list
  447 multiplicative_expr: unary_expr
  448                    | multiplicative_expr muldiv_op unary_expr
  449 muldiv_op: '*'
  450          | '/'
  451          | '%'
  452 additive_expr: multiplicative_expr
  453              | additive_expr '+' multiplicative_expr
  454              | additive_expr '-' multiplicative_expr
  455 shift_expr: additive_expr
  456           | shift_expr EXTRACT additive_expr
  457           | shift_expr INSERT additive_expr
  458 relational_equality_expr: shift_expr
  459                         | '(' relational_equality_expr '<' shift_expr ')'
  460                         | '(' relational_equality_expr '>' shift_expr ')'
  461                         | relational_equality_expr LE shift_expr
  462                         | relational_equality_expr GE shift_expr
  463                         | relational_equality_expr EQUAL shift_expr
  464                         | relational_equality_expr NOTEQUAL shift_expr
  465                         | '(' relational_equality_expr '=' shift_expr ')'
  466 relational_op: '<'
  467              | '>'
  468              | LE
  469              | GE
  470              | EQUAL
  471              | NOTEQUAL
  472 and_expr: relational_equality_expr
  473         | and_expr '&' relational_equality_expr
  474 exclusive_or_expr: and_expr
  475                  | exclusive_or_expr '^' and_expr
  476 inclusive_or_expr: exclusive_or_expr
  477                  | inclusive_or_expr '|' exclusive_or_expr
  478 logical_and_expr: inclusive_or_expr
  479                 | logical_and_expr LOGICAL_AND inclusive_or_expr
  480 logical_or_expr: logical_and_expr
  481                | logical_or_expr LOGICAL_OR logical_and_expr
  482 unary_assignment: member_index_expr PLUSPLUS
  483                 | member_index_expr MINUSMINUS
  484 loop_expr: '(' loop_assoc_op ':' ID ':' range ':' expr ')'
  485 loop_assoc_op: '+'
  486              | '*'
  487              | '&'
  488              | '|'
  489              | '^'
  490              | LOGICAL_AND
  491              | LOGICAL_OR
  492 expr: logical_or_expr
  493 strict_relaxed_template_arguments: complex_expr_optional_list_in_angles optional_template_arguments_in_angles
  494                                  | /* empty */
  495 optional_template_arguments_in_angles: complex_expr_optional_list_in_angles
  496                                      | /* empty */
  497 expr_list_in_angles_optional: expr_list_in_angles
  498                             | /* empty */
  499 expr_list_in_angles: '<' expr_list '>'
  500 complex_expr_optional_list_in_angles: '<' complex_expr_optional_list '>'
  501 complex_expr_optional_list: complex_expr_optional_list ',' optional_complex_expr
  502                           | optional_complex_expr
  503 optional_complex_expr: array_concatenation
  504                      | /* empty */
  505 member_index_expr_list_in_parens_optional: member_index_expr_list_in_parens
  506                                          | /* empty */
  507 member_index_expr_list_in_parens: '(' member_index_expr_list ')'
  508 member_index_expr_list_in_angles_optional: member_index_expr_list_in_angles
  509                                          | /* empty */
  510 member_index_expr_list_in_angles: '<' member_index_expr_pair '>'
  511                                 | '<' member_index_expr_pair '|' member_index_expr_pair '>'
  512 expr_list: expr_list ',' expr
  513          | expr
  514 range: expr RANGE expr
  515      | expr
  516 optional_dense_range_list: dense_range_list
  517                          | /* empty */
  518 dense_range_list: dense_range_list bracketed_dense_range
  519                 | bracketed_dense_range
  520 sparse_range_list: sparse_range_list bracketed_sparse_range
  521                  | bracketed_sparse_range
  522 bracketed_dense_range: '[' expr ']'
  523 bracketed_sparse_range: '[' range ']'
  524 complex_aggregate_reference: array_concatenation
  525 array_concatenation: array_concatenation '#' complex_expr_term
  526                    | complex_expr_term
  527 complex_expr_term: array_construction
  528                  | expr
  529 array_construction: '{' mandatory_complex_aggregate_reference_list '}'
  530 optional_complex_aggregate_reference: complex_aggregate_reference
  531                                     | /* empty */
  532 mandatory_complex_aggregate_reference_list: mandatory_complex_aggregate_reference_list ',' complex_aggregate_reference
  533                                           | complex_aggregate_reference
  534 complex_aggregate_reference_list: complex_aggregate_reference_list ',' optional_complex_aggregate_reference
  535                                 | optional_complex_aggregate_reference