Up: Template Type Equivalence

9.4.1 Template Examples

The following example illustrates how one might describe a ROM array using relaxed template arguments.

     template <> <pbool VAL>
     defproc ROMcell(...) { ... }
     template <pint X, Y> <pbool V[X][Y]>
     defproc ROMarray(...) {
       ROMcell<> x[X][Y];  // <> is optional
       // can't reference x[i][j].member yet
       // because instance types are incomplete
         (j:Y: x[i][j] <V[i][j]> (...); )
       // from here, may reference x[i][j].member
     ROMarray <2,3>
         a <{{false,true,false},

This following example shows how one would declare an array of sources (like for a test environment):

     template <pint N>
     defchan e1of (...) {...}
     template <pint N> <pint M; pint V[M]>
     defproc source_e1of (e1of<N> c) {...}
     e1of<4> C[10];
     source_e1of<4> CS[10];  // instances' types are incomplete
     CS[0] <1, {2}> (C[0]);  // can complete types and connect
     CS[1] <3, {2,0,1}> (C[1]);
     CS[2] <2, {1,0}> (C[2]);

We could have also declared the array of sources with sparse instantiation, as long as the strict template arguments match:

     source_e1of<4> CS[0..0];
       // this determines the entire collection's strict parameters
       // but sets the relaxed parameters for only the indexed range
     CS[0]<1, {2}>(C[0]);
       // This binds the relaxed template parameters and connects ports.
     source_e1of<4> CS[1..1];
     CS[1]<3, {2,0,1}>(C[1]);
     source_e1of<4> CS[2..2];
     CS[2]<2, {1,0}>(C[2]);

[TODO: write section on connection examples]