For options that take an argument, the space between the flag and the argument is optional.
Parse configuration options from file. Options are of the form key=values with no space characters separating the =. Values may be singleton, comma-separated, or omitted. The same options can also be passed in through the command-line via -f. This option is repeatable and cumulative. See Configuration Options.
Backwards compatibility option. Parse configuration options from file. Options are of the form type key value. type may be int, real, or string. Values are only singleton. The same options can also be passed in through the command-line via -F. This option is repeatable and cumulative. See Configuration Options.
Parse configuration options from options. Options are of the same key-value format as in the configuration file, see option -c. Options are space-separated instead of newline-separated. This option is repeatable and cumulative. See Configuration Options.
Backwards compatibility option. Parse configuration options from options. Options are of the same key-value format as in the configuration file, see option -C. Unlike -f option, only one parameter can be specified at a time. This option is repeatable and cumulative. See Configuration Options.
Describe all configuration options with default values and exit. See Configuration Options. See also the installed documentation for,html,pdf.
Append path to the list of paths to search for including and referencing other config files. See also the config_path configuration option.
Instead of using the top-level instances in the source file, instantiate one instance of the named type, propagating its ports as top-level globals. In other words, use the referenced type as the top-level scope, ignoring the source's top-level instances. Convenient takes place of copy-propagating a single instance's ports. See also the -T option.
Instead of using the top-level instances in the source file, instantiate one lone instance of the named type, at the top-level, ignoring the source's top-level instances. Unlike the -t option, the contents of named type type do not get unrolled directly into the top-level scope. This instance's ports will be unconnected, and the instance's name is unspecified (because you shouldn't care!). This option also implies emit_top=0. Current limitation: can only specify one type for now.