MAGIC Magic Mailing List

From: Jeff W. Sondeen (sondeen AT rcf-fs DOT
Date: Fri May 12 2000 - 17:51:56 EDT

R. Timothy Edwards writes:
 > Jeff,
 >    The quick code that I set up for doing the half-lambda grid is
 > not well-developed, and I'm aware of all the problems you mentioned.
 > The way it was set up, the "scalegrid" command scales all magic
 > units by the specified ratio, and reflects the new scale in both the
 > cifoutput/cifinput and drc tech.  Magic units are reported as grid,
 > not lambda, and are saved this way.  Unless the grid-vs.-lambda is
 > specified somehow in every output magic file, there's no way to know 

you can do this with the first line of the .mag file; currently the
"technology" is "scmos" but you could say, "scmos*1/2" or something --
then magic makes sure you don't mix "technologies".

 > what scale the magic file is supposed to be in.  So there's one
 > thing that needs to be added.  Another is that it should automatically
 > scale any existing magic layouts;  currently, scalegrid will only
 > work right if you issue the command before you load or draw anything.
 >    This past week, I created a standard cell library based on
 > something made by Tanner;  their layout included a lot of half-lambda
 > geometry, and for that, the scalegrid feature worked like a charm; I
 > was able to read in the Tanner CIF and redo the layout in double the
 > units, with correct DRC.  Probably the cifoutput generator needs to
 > be a little more sophisticated to deal with the contact squares.
 >    We need to get the distribution out to a tar file on an ftp or
 > html server so people can start downloading it and testing it.  Right
 > now it's just a CVS database on Rajit's system at Cornell.

if his CVS server is accepting outside read-only connections, i should
be able to "cvs update" it over.  can you give me the site and
directory name (and a good time to update, ie after you've checked in
enough stuff).

in addition to CVS, running a 'bugzilla'-like website (see for an example) would
be ultimately cool :-)

 > 						Regards,
 > 						Tim

Questions? Contact Rajit Manohar
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