MAGIC Magic Mailing List

From: R. Timothy Edwards (tim AT stravinsky DOT
Date: Thu Oct 26 2000 - 15:57:23 EDT

  • Next message: Jeff W. Sondeen: "Re: Non-manhattan geometry in magic"

    Dear James,
       Both Philippe Pouliquen and I independently came up with roughly the
    same idea to implement (fairly easily, we think) non-manhattan geometry
    into magic.  The idea consists of "splitting" one of magic's rectangular
    tiles diagonally, with the tile type of each of the two split sections
    being determined by the surrounding layers.  DRC for such a case should
    require barely more effort than for regular manhattan geometry, and the
    resulting magic file should be able to exactly match any non-manhattan
    geometry in which the corners of the non-manhattan polygons land on the
    lambda grid.  As far as I've noticed, this takes care of over 99% of
    the non-manhattan geometery that exists, and the rest can be approximated
    much more closely than the current stair-stepping algorithm, perhaps
    within the limit of DRC rules.
       But. . . we haven't implemented it yet.  This is a high priority for
    me, so if enough people are demanding it, I'll work on it harder.

    Questions? Contact Rajit Manohar
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