MAGIC Magic Mailing List

From: Rajit Manohar (rajit AT csl DOT
Date: Thu Oct 26 2000 - 21:07:50 EDT

  • Next message: Jeff W. Sondeen: "Re: Non-manhattan geometry in magic"

    If I understand this correctly, Tim's suggestion is to support
    diagonal tiles of the form
          |`.    | 
          |  `.  |
          |    `.|
    without actually splitting the tile into two parts. Instead, the two
    halves of the tile could have different types. By changing the width
    or height of the tile you'd get different angles...  So this means
    that if we look at one plane in magic, the tiles could be
    "half-painted". It seems that one might be able to keep the traversal
    code with this approach.
    Would this involve adding new tech file design rules, since the tech
    file contains things like edge4way rules that are designed to match
    the internal data structures of magic? It would certainly change the
    way a touching_ok is checked.

    Questions? Contact Rajit Manohar
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