MAGIC Magic Mailing List

From: Jeff W. Sondeen (sondeen AT rcf-fs DOT
Date: Fri Oct 27 2000 - 18:16:04 EDT

  • Next message: Philippe O. Pouliquen: "Re: Non-manhattan geometry in magic"

    R. Timothy Edwards writes:
     > Yes, Rajit has the right idea, and I *think* that I convinced myself
     > that traversal and painting would be more-or-less trivial to
     > implement (insofar as wading through the tiling code in magic can
     > be called "trivial").  I worked out some design rules on paper, and
     > decided that no more than one extra rule would be necessary.  One
     > reason is that as far as I know, acute angles are always illegal,
     > so diagonal tiles would be restricted to the following format:
     > 			| A  |
     > 			|    |
     > 		     ---+----+---
     > 			| A /|
     > 			|  / |
     > 		      A	| /  | B
     > 			|/ B |
     > 		     ---+----+---
     > 			|    |
     > 			|  B | C
    thanks, Timothy, for the diagram, now i see what you're talking about.
    great idea!
    one problem will be the large number of tiles that an angled shape
    will take.  if i draw a 1000 x 2 poly line horizontally it will take
    only 1 tile (but of course gets split as you mentioned when other
    tiles are created within the same x-span).  however, a 1000 x 2 poly
    at a 45 degree angle will itself create 707 (1000*cos(45)=707) tiles
    (one for each lambda in y) (just like when you cifin a rotated line,
    it gets stairstepped into staggered tiles - one every lambda).  and
    magic gets pretty sluggish once you hit a few thousand boxes.  but i
    guess that will be the price for rotations?
     > So a tile can only be diagonal if the tiles on its two right-
     > angled edges are the same layer type, and then the diagonal
     > tile derives its layer type from those neighboring layers.
     > In general, diagonal tile "A" satisfies all DRC rules when
     > the whole tile satisfies the design rules if the whole tile
     > were type "A".  The extra rule would check if layer "B"
     > satisfies its width rule between layers "C" and "A" (i.e.,
     > calculates the minimum distance between the corner and the
     > diagonal).  The tile has a layer type called "diagonal", and
     > the two layers are determined when necessary for rendering,
     > drc, splitting, combining, etc.  That way, the tile structure
     > does not need to be changed;  the tile does not need to record
     > what two tile types are on either side of the diagonal cut,
     > and it does not need to record which two corners the diagonal
     > line cuts.
     > Rules for splitting and combining tiles require some
     > experimenting to determine what appears to be most "natural"
     > while doing layout, but can be done in a fairly straightforward
     > way.  Generally, I had the idea that a diagonal tile could only
     > be created if layers "A" and "B" would satisfy the requirements
     > stated above;  if splitting and combining causes the requirements
     > not to be satisfied, the tile goes back to being a normal
     > rectangular tile.
     > Naturally, I have not thoroughly worked this out, so anyone
     > who sees insurmountable logical fallacies with my idea is
     > welcome to point them out.
     > 					---Tim

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