MAGIC Magic Mailing List

From: Cecil Aswell (aswell AT netcom DOT com)
Date: Thu Feb 08 2001 - 14:22:30 EST

  • Next message: Debbie Fitzsimons: "Magic Issues"

    I've been using Magic for the past few years for verification of designs
    I've laid out in another editor (Gedit, a calma emulator) that does not
    have DRC or LVS capability. I have found it most useful.
    One feature that I would like to see improved is the non-manhatten
    geometry conversion.  The present algorithm creates a stair-step
    geometry as advertised but the width is substantially greater than the
    original geometry.  As a result DRC spacing checks generate "false"
    I've looked at the code that does this in the past but with my lack of c
    skills looking at it is all I have been able to do.  If there is any
    interest in improving this section of the code in the future I would
    certainly be glad to see it.
    Cecil Aswell

    Questions? Contact Rajit Manohar
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