MAGIC Magic Mailing List

From: Andrew Lines (lines AT avlsi DOT com)
Date: Fri Mar 30 2001 - 14:27:39 EST

  • Next message: Philippe O. Pouliquen: "Lambda in even centimicrons in CIF"

    Yes, the problem is that CIF rectangles are center specified, so the
    center must line up on a centimicron grid.  So if you have odd sized
    rectangles and an odd lambda, you're in trouble.  Naturally, CIF write
    gives no warnings, so you just get a mask set with lots of tiny gaps.
    You should use calma write instead.  This produces a .strm
    (GDS2) output, which is more widely supported by foundries and does not
    have the same limitation.  I belive MOSIS accepts GDS2 as well as CIF.
    Unfortunately, GDS2 writing from Magic tends to munge your namespace
    pretty badly and GDS2 reading is mostly broken, so you run into some
    other problems.
    If somebody would volunteer to implement better Magic -> GDS2 -> Magic
    name conversion, using escape sequences legel in GDS2, and making sure
    the GDS2 labels are connected back to the correct magic layers, I'm sure
    people would appreciate it.  Oh well, we've switched to CADENCE tools
    anyways (and believe me, that has some serious pain associated with it).

    Questions? Contact Rajit Manohar
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