MAGIC Magic Mailing List

From: Philippe O. Pouliquen (philippe AT alpha DOT
Date: Mon Apr 02 2001 - 12:54:10 EDT

  • Next message: Richard Lethin: "magic-7.0 to Linux?"

    Jeff Sondeen <sondeen AT rcf-fs DOT> wrote:
    > i'm confuse about CIF box center points -- must they fall on a .01
    > grid?  why can' they just fall whereever, for example, on a .005
    > grid.  it's only the unit size that's defined as .01 um, right?
    Right. It appears that this is not a limitation of CIF, but rather of
    Magic.  This may be due to the grow/shrink statements in the
    cifinput/cifoutput section of the Magic technology file, which use
    centimicrons as units.
    Tim Edwards <tim AT stravinsky DOT> wrote:
    > I think the magic CIF output routine should be re-written to check
    > for rectangle centers falling on fractional values (which is easy
    > enough to do) and opt to write a polygon statement to the output
    > file if so.
    Forget that.  Fix the cif input/output so that fractional centimicrons
    *can* be used.  With submicron processes, non-even centimicrons per
    lambda will become much more common.
    Philippe Pouliquen
    The Johns Hopkins University

    Questions? Contact Rajit Manohar
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