MAGIC Magic Mailing List

From: Gustavo Adolfo Cerezo Vásquez (gucerezo AT lsi DOT
Date: Wed Apr 11 2001 - 16:25:10 EDT

  • Next message: R. Timothy Edwards: "Non-Manhattan changes"

    Dear sir,
    I have tried to compile the magic 7.1 source code in my PC using Linux
    SuSE 7.1, but I could not compile sucessfully. I think there is a
    with the libraries and include files, so,  I have two questions: what is
    the linux distribuion (version) recommended for installing the magic
    program? What must I do in order to "adapt" the source file to be
    compiled  in my SuSE distribution sucessfully?
    Thanks and I am looking forward to hearing from you,
    Gustavo Adolfo Cerezo Vásquez
    P.S. Excuse-me by my english

    Questions? Contact Rajit Manohar
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