MAGIC Magic Mailing List

From: Richard Lethin (lethin AT reservoir DOT com)
Date: Tue May 22 2001 - 15:23:52 EDT

  • Next message: R. Timothy Edwards: "Too few area/perim values error"

    Students racing to the June educational tapeout at MOSIS...
    So I made 7.1, which we've been using for a while, the official release
    version.  Now we're getting error messages: "Too few area/perim values:
    assuming remainder are zero" errors.  Any fix for this.
    Also, NB that the SCNA.80.PADS.2000 io pads unsupported pads from the
    mosis site have turned out to have an unintentional zener diode due to a
    signal ndiff abutting a GND psubstratepdiff.  As Sondeen notes the fix
    is easy, just move it 4 lambda away.  Mark Martin's email last month was
    about loading 40p2200 so heads up.

    Questions? Contact Rajit Manohar
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