MAGIC Magic Mailing List

From: Jeff W. Sondeen (sondeen AT rcf-fs DOT
Date: Wed Aug 22 2001 - 18:22:47 EDT

  • Next message: R. Timothy Edwards: "DRC rules"

    sorry for the late response.  even if there were a relevant techfile,
    it would guarantee nothing, as magic can only do limited DRC checks
    (widths and spacings mostly).  i put a subset of the NIST MEMS rules
    but not even their own layout examples followed all their rules (i
    guess there are lots of exceptions) and many rules could not be
    specified in magic.  (for the NIST MEMS document, search the
    Geranamo writes:
     > Magic experts,
     > I am looking for Magic technology file for the MUMPS process for MEMS. Is it freely available from any development lab or a commercial MUMPS fab center?
     > Does using the relevant tech. file guarantee that all the process rules are being followed? i.e. it is manufactarable?
     > Thanks in advance, Magicians :)
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