MAGIC Magic Mailing List

From: Prakash (prakashkuve AT yahoo DOT com)
Date: Fri Aug 24 2001 - 13:08:09 EDT

  • Next message: Spaceborne Calin: "subscribe"

    GREAT!!!! Thanks a lot Tim....this is wonderful !!!! I
    had looked at the code and suspected something on
    these lines but was hesitant to make the changes.....
    thank you very much once again...
    Best regards,
    --- "R. Timothy Edwards" <tim AT stravinsky DOT>
    > Dear Prakash,
    >    The problem comes down to why magic is reporting
    > that
    > it cannot find "/flock"; e.g., it appears to be
    > looking for
    > it in the system root directory.
    >    I looked through the magic code, and I have found
    > what
    > must be the error.  In utils/flock.c, line 148 is
    >     sprintf(lock_buf, "%s/flock", cad_buf);
    > but should be:
    >     sprintf(lock_buf, "%s/flock", cad_path);
    > Likewise, line 164 should be changed from 
    >    sprintf(lock_buf, "%s/flock/lock_%u%u", cad_buf,
    > to
    >    sprintf(lock_buf, "%s/flock/lock_%u%u", cad_path,
    > Otherwise, if the CAD_HOME environment variable is
    > set, then cad_buf
    > remains empty, and the result is that lock_buf
    > becomes "/flock"
    > (or worse, since cad_buf was never explicitly
    > initialized).
    >    You can make these changes by hand and recompile.
    >  I will update
    > the CVS source distribution with the changes
    > immediately.
    > 							---Tim
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