MAGIC Magic Mailing List

From: Jeff W. Sondeen (sondeen AT rcf-fs DOT
Date: Thu Sep 27 2001 - 12:48:29 EDT

  • Next message: Richard Lethin: "Re: "must-overlap" proposal"

    Philippe O. Pouliquen writes:
     > Tim Edwards wrote:
     > > I'll give that some serious thought, as I have been occasionally
     > > troubled by magic's habit of leaving gaps between cells when
     > > shrinking layers (usually this means a well, and usually can be
     > > ignored, but it's really not proper to assume that everybody "knows"
     > > that you have to write CIF, read it back in verbatim, and check for
     > > these kind of violations.
     > It occurs to me, that I have seen magic fill in gaps between Nwells at
     > the top level when writing CIF.  That is, suppose that two neighboring
     > cells have Nwells in them.  If, in the parent cell, the well end up
     > being closer than 9 lambda without touching, then a rectangle of Nwell
     > gets generated in the parent which joins the Nwells of the two
     > children.  I remember this happening, because inevitably, this Nwell
     > is too narrow (less than 10 lambda) and therefore generates a DRV
     > (design rule violation).
     > Was I halucinating?  If not, then it seems that the gap can be filled
     > in the parent, even though Jeff would prefer that the gap not be
     > created in the first place.
    you are right!!!  there it is ---v
    DS 1 1 2;
    9 p1;
    L CPG;
        B 4 36 80 20;   <----------- a poly box of width .02 (due to 'shrink 1')
    91 p0_0;
    C 2 R 1 0 T 0 0;
    91 p0_1;
    C 2 R 1 0 T 80 0;
    DS 2 1 2;
    9 p0;
    L CPG;
        B 76 36 40 20;
    i'm a happy camper now!
    PS. i hope to soon release a new set of 'alpha' techfiles (under that implement a
    simplified, "Andrew" type of contact that is much more efficient than
    the 'beta' techfiles.  it will include some native rule techfiles,
    such as tsmc.18 with 'iota' = 0.06 (i think).
     > Philippe Pouliquen
     > The Johns Hopkins University

    Questions? Contact Rajit Manohar
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