MAGIC Magic Mailing List

From: Jeff W. Sondeen (sondeen AT rcf-fs DOT
Date: Tue Nov 27 2001 - 12:54:53 EST

  • Next message: R. Timothy Edwards: "stream files"

    john.wood AT multigig DOT com writes:
     > Dear Jeff,
     > We just had this same problem with resistance extraction on the
     > PadOut pad  from your version of the Tanner pad library,
     > we couldn't understand how we had a Mosfet.
    it's supposed to be explained in the CHANGELOG file:
    look for:
             improved the ability to extract "resistors":
     > On the AMI process,  there are 3 metal layers,
     > and we wondered if there is a reason there is
     > no M3 or VIA2 for the pads?
    not sure what you mean, don't the tanner pads (my version) have the
    'pad' special layer?  then there should be M3/VIA2 on cif out,
    because, if you paint 'pad' and cif write, you get M3 and VIA2's:
    9 pad;
    L CM3;
        B 400 400 200 200;
    L CV2;
        B 8 8 104 296;
        B 8 8 152 296;
    or you could draw 'm3' and 'v2' directly to make your own pads.
    can you give me a path to the exact file you're having trouble with,
    and also give me the magic version and techfile version you're using?
     > p.s.
     > Do you make available the parser for  Mosis  .txt files.
     > It would be useful to us.
    the files are available from the main mosis web page, or an ftp
    shortcut i use, for example:

    Questions? Contact Rajit Manohar
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