MAGIC Magic Mailing List

From: Jeff W. Sondeen (sondeen AT rcf-fs DOT
Date: Fri Nov 30 2001 - 16:43:33 EST

  • Next message: Jeff W. Sondeen: "Re: cif m456c SCN6M_SUBM.10.tech27"

    Carl Grace writes:
     > Hi Jeff,
     > Attached are:
     > mimtest.mag :  magic file with m5 bottom plate, mim (CAP_TOP_METAL) top
     > plate and m6 connecting to mim through a 12 lambda * 12 lambda micontact.  
     > This file causes no design rule errors, since the minimum micontact is
     > 10*10 lambda.
     > mimtest.cif : cif output from mimtest.mag, generated by typing :cif at the
     > magic command line.  When read back into magic using :cif read mimtest,
     > the micontact is only 5*5 lambda, which is a design rule error.
     > Carl
    thanks, Carl, yes there's an error in the techfile for the case of
    magic cif'ing in CV5's over CAP_TOP_METAL (so-called mic's) -- will
    fix it asap -- should make release 2001b this monday.
    however, there's a tougher problem (described next) that makes me
    think you may want try the DEEP rules instead of SUBM (and that's why
    i'm including the magicdev email list in this reply -- they may know
    of a new way to handle off-grid points that i'm not familiar with yet
    -- i've included a test case below in case they have time to try it --
    or can explain the trick to me).
    anyway, the problem is that to line up the stacked contacts in SUBM
    rules, i had to let people draw the gv5's 4x4 lambda, so they can
    stack nicely over 2x2 gv4's, but they get output in the cif as 3x3
    lambda (which the need to be for Mosis).  however, centering these 3x3
    gv5's over the 2x2 gv2's means that they're really off the lambda grid
    (which is no problem for Mosis) but is a problem for magic on cif read
    in, because magic must snap to grid and often gv5's can get spaced too
    close by 1 lambda.  (notice that gvi's are really just gv5's (both
    become CV5 in the cif) so the same snapping applies to gvi's and
    in the meantime, here's a slight change to the SUBM techfile that can
    help reduce this snapping (just basically adding extra "spacing" in
    the 'squares' statement to overspace CV5's to help magic out a bit),
    however, rather than use this, can you try using SCN6M_DEEP.09 and see
    if it helps ? (CV5's are 4x4 in DEEP rules) it may help your other
    stacked contact issues (then again, it may be worse so don't delete
    all you've done).
    mimtest.mag: (revised)
    for use with SCN6M_SUBM.10.light.tech27 (version 2001a)
    tech scmos
    timestamp 1007154441
    << metal4 >>
    rect -8 -52 6 -38
    << m5contact >>
    rect 11 -52 25 -38
    rect 29 -52 42 -39
    rect 46 -52 58 -40
    rect 62 -52 73 -41
    rect 77 -52 87 -42
    rect 90 -52 99 -43
    rect 102 -52 110 -44
    << metal5 >>
    rect -39 -18 55 39
    rect -8 -35 6 -21
    rect -8 -52 6 -38
    << gv4 >>
    rect -7 -41 -5 -39
    rect -2 -41 0 -39
    rect 3 -41 5 -39
    rect -7 -46 -5 -44
    rect -2 -46 0 -44
    rect 3 -46 5 -44
    rect -7 -51 -5 -49
    rect -2 -51 0 -49
    rect 3 -51 5 -49
    << m6contact >>
    rect 11 -35 25 -21
    rect 30 -35 43 -22
    rect 48 -35 60 -23
    rect 65 -35 76 -24
    << metal6 >>
    rect -42 -2 21 28
    rect -8 -35 6 -21
    << gv5 >>
    rect -7 -26 -3 -22
    rect 1 -26 5 -22
    rect -7 -34 -3 -30
    rect 1 -34 5 -30
    << micontact >>
    rect 21 1 51 30
    << metali >>
    rect -27 1 21 30
    rect -27 -10 51 1
    << gvi >>
    rect -24 23 -20 27
    rect 0 23 4 27
    rect -24 -1 -20 3
    rect 0 -1 4 3
    << labels >>
    rlabel metal5 -37 -17 -37 -17 3 m5
    rlabel metali -25 -8 -25 -8 1 mi
    << end >>

    Questions? Contact Rajit Manohar
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