MAGIC Magic Mailing List

From: R. Timothy Edwards (tim AT stravinsky DOT
Date: Tue Nov 27 2001 - 12:58:35 EST

  • Next message: Prakash: "Resistance extraction"

    Dear Shengwei,
       Magic believes that a stream file, calma, and GDSII are all the same
    thing.  Magic can read either CIF or GDSII (a.k.a. calma).  Magic
    version 7.1 gets rid of the silly restriction from version 6.5 and
    earlier that all GDSII files must end in the extension ".strm" and all
    CIF files must end in the extension ".cif".
       Use ":calma read <filename>" to read GDSII files, and
    ":cif read <filename>" to read CIF files.  Note that magic's treatment
    of GDSII input is to (more or less) convert GDSII records to CIF on the
    fly as it reads the file, so most of the CIF commands (like "cif istyle"
    and "cif ostyle") also apply to GDSII files.
       More information is in the "Magic Maintainer's Manual #2:  The
    Technology File" found in $CAD_HOME/lib/magic/doc/ (or, if
    your version of magic is not recent enough to save the manuals in
    $CAD_HOME/lib, then look in the magic source at doc/psfiles/
       Please let me know if you have any further questions.

    Questions? Contact Rajit Manohar
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