MAGIC Magic Mailing List

From: erik peterson (erik AT yanntek DOT com)
Date: Tue Feb 26 2002 - 13:00:07 EST

  • Next message: Jeff Solomon: "Re: multi-threading Magic"

    *sigh of relief* i didnt feel like burning cd's :)  thanks for 
    putting it in plain english for us!  although, if you do get that 
    windows version working, i wont be able to goof off anymore at the 
    internet cafe in berlin: ill be running magic doing last-minute
      oh one more thing:
      you think mebbe we could get people on this list to sign up and
    help write docs and app-notes for magic?  you could set up a doc 
    todo list and carve out sections for people to write.  a consistent
    web-tree written by magic users directed by you would be one way 
    for us forum'ers to contribute and feel worthy :)  ..and it would
    free the developers from answering the same questions over and 
    over.  im here, ill even use correct english :)
    R. Timothy Edwards wrote:
    > Dear Erik,
    > > the "windows" version and the wrap-magic-in-a-gui deal
    > > is making us all burn the current magic to cd-roms and encasing
    > > it in glass.
    > Don't worry; I'm not going to do anything to degrade the stability
    > of the magic source.  Actually, the Windows version has very little
    > effect on the source;  it's just another set of routines in the
    > "graphics" directory.  The only other place it touches the code is
    > that Windows demands that "main()" be renamed "WinMain()" or else
    > you can't get hold of a handle to the display.  So that won't break
    > any code.  I am still working out how the wrapper works, but
    > essentially all of the additional code goes into a single ".i" file
    > used by SWIG, so that doesn't break any of the code, either.  At
    > some point, I will probably be advocating the "try it you might like
    > it" approach, but believe me, I really hate "feature creep" and
    > want to keep it to a minimum.  Feature creep has rendered many a
    > tool virtually useless, and I don't want that to happen to magic.
    > The nice thing about the interpreter-wrapped version of magic is
    > that it encourages people who want new features to add them as
    > scripts.  That gives users the ability to twiddle with magic's
    > functionality without touching the C code itself, and users who
    > don't want the features aren't forced to accept them along with
    > the package.  There are quite a lot of minimally-implemented and
    > partially-implemented features which got added to magic over the
    > years, and I'm hoping that they can be expunged from the core code,
    > making magic "leaner and meaner".
    >                                         Regards,
    >                                         Tim

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