MAGIC Magic Mailing List

From: Jeff W. Sondeen (sondeen AT rcf-fs DOT
Date: Wed Feb 27 2002 - 16:55:49 EST

  • Next message: kalyan kumar: "REQUEST FOR MAGIC MEMBERSHIP"

    Prashant Bhadri writes:
     > Dear Sir ,
     > Can a bipolar transistor be designed in magic 6.5. The extracted device is
     > in the form of a mosfet 4 terminal device.
    you can use the techfiles/example in

     > Also i am looking for a .model file for an npn bjt transistor for an AMI
     > 1.5 micron process.
    i think mosis measures an npn and publishes results in their web site
    under the run spice data.
     > Sincerely
     > Prashant
     > *****************************************************************************
     > Prashant R Bhadri                                   Address-:
     > Research Assistant                                  2920 Scioto Street
     > Photonic Systems Developement Lab                   Room # 1102
     > Department of ECECS                                 Cincinnati,OH 45219
     > University of Cincinnati                           PH: (513) 5567971(home)
     > Cincinnati,OH 45220                                    (513) 5564799(lab)
     >                                                        (513) 2258895 (cell)
     > Email: pbhadri AT ececs DOT
     > *******************************************************************************

    Questions? Contact Rajit Manohar
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