MAGIC Magic Mailing List

From: Andrew P. Lentvorski (bsder AT allcaps DOT org)
Date: Fri Apr 05 2002 - 02:55:53 EST

  • Next message: Jeff Solomon: "Re: Arbitrary size designs (was Re: more corner stitching)"

    If you really meant your statement about viewing designs of arbitrary size
    (up to max disk space), there is *NO* current vlsi editor which will meet
    your needs.
    What you really want is some form of viewer which converts stream formats
    into a fully-packed RTree which is then packed onto a hard drive or
    similar mass-storage device.  This is the realm of database design rather
    than VLSI tools design.  Antonin Guttman's "R-Trees: A Dynamic Index
    Structure for Spatial Searching" (ACM 1984) is a good starting point.
    If what you want is a more compact representation to fit bigger designs
    into DRAM, that's a different story entirely.  However, corner stitching
    is so fundamental to Magic that changing it to something like a quad-tree,
    a k-d tree, or an R-Tree requires *major* surgery.
    Let me assure you, however, that "dumb, simple and straightforward"
    structures do not have sufficient performance.  The difference between
    O(n^2) (most dumb algorithms) and O(n log n) (the provably optimal, but
    complicated algorithms) for n=10,000 is significant even on a 1GHz
    computer with 1GB of RAM.
    You will have to take a dive into some heavy-duty computational geometry
    if you hope to have anything approaching reasonable redraw performance for
    100,000+ shapes (a relatively small design by today's standards)

    Questions? Contact Rajit Manohar
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