MAGIC Magic Mailing List

From: Phyllis R. Nelson (prnelson AT csupomona DOT edu)
Date: Tue May 28 2002 - 20:56:36 EDT

  • Next message: John Nestor: "More problems compiling Magic under Linux"

    I tried installing the 6.5.1 port on the FreeBSD 4.5 CD set first. That
    didn't work well because of the lack of graphics choices, so I tried the
    7.1 version from the web site.
    I am not good at system admin, so I chose
         setenv CAD_HOME /usr/share/magic-7.1
         set path = ( $path /usr/share/magic-7.1/bin )
    In defs.mak, I changed CFLAGS to '-g -mpentium' because I'm
    installing on a pentium III machine.
    Then I started the make process and got the following error:
    for dir in windows doc lisp ext2sim ext2spice magic magicusage net2ir extcheck
    mpack graphics scmos; do (cd $dir && make install); done
    *** Error code 2
    The log file wasn't particularly helpful at finding where in the list
    the process stopped working, so I changed the following section of
    Makefile as commented in hopes of finding out where things went
    @echo --- installing to ${CADDIR}
    @${MAKE} install-real 2>&1 >> install.log
    install-real: install-dirs
    for dir in ${INSTALL_CAD_DIRS}; do \
    (cd $$dir && ${MAKE} install && @echo "$$dir done"); done
    # Previous line changed 27 May 2002 by prn. Was
    # (cd $$dir && ${MAKE} install); done
    ${MAGICDIR}/scripts/mkdirs ${BINDIR} ${MANDIR} ${SYSDIR} ${SCMDIR}
    The result is:
    --- installing to /usr/share/magic-7.1
    make: don't know how to make
    /usr/share/magic-7.1/lib/magic/sys/windows7.glyphs. Stop
    *** Error code 1
    I'm stuck. The new result doesn't seem to be related to the change
    I made in Makefile. (?)
    I have files called windows*.glyphs (including windows7.glyphs)
    in /usr/src/share/magic-7.1/windows, and the directory
    /usr/share/magic-7.1/lib/magic/sys exists, but it's empty.
    -Phyllis Nelson

    Questions? Contact Rajit Manohar
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