MAGIC Magic Mailing List

From: Spaceborne Calin (spaceborne_calin AT yahoo DOT com)
Date: Sat Jul 06 2002 - 06:57:52 EDT

  • Next message: Conrad H Ziesler: "extraction magscale bug"

     --- thiagor AT brturbo DOT com a écrit : > Hello. 
    > I'm a university student in Brazil and I'm doing some research in
    > wich i use magic. 
    > More specifically i'm trying to install a technology file (0.35um
    > from AMS). I have already done part of it, but I actually don't know
    > how to install the technology file in magic.
    Copy the technology file where the other technology files
    are located (i.e. $CAD_HOME/lib/magic/sys)
    > The magic maintaner's manual says something about compiling the
    > technology file in a C Preprocessor and after that installing the
    > technology file in the folder magic/tech. 
    > These are my two problems: I don't know exatly what is a C
    > Preprocessor ; and in my magic folder does not exist the paste
    > magic/tech so I don't know where to install it. 
    > Any help you could give me, I'd be very glad. 
    You need to run the technology file through a preprocessor
    _only_ if you file is unprocessed (some ofthe files that came 
    with magic distribution for scmos 2u technology are)
    See previous for where to put your magic tech file.
    Also to use it with magic you must specify it on command
    magic -T techology_file_without_tech27_extension
    > Thiago Henrique Rachadel 
    > thiagor AT brturbo DOT com 
    > Universidade Federal do Paraná 
    > Curitiba - PR 
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