MAGIC Magic Mailing List

From: R. Timothy Edwards (tim AT stravinsky DOT
Date: Mon Aug 19 2002 - 09:29:31 EDT

  • Next message: n2718677: "Installation for a Newbie Please Help Me"

    Dear Yonggang,
       While working on various "magic" issues over the weekend, I
    tracked down the cause of the "black box" edit box when magic is
    running in a 16-bit visual.  The problem is in the magic library
    file $CAD_HOME/lib/magic/sys/mos.24bit.dstyle5.  The box cursor
    entries are:
    # num   mask    color   outline  fill  number   name     name  
    # ----+------+--------+--------+------+-------+------+--------------
    160     100     100     000     solid   0       -       solid_highlights
    161     100     100     000     stipple 12      -       medium_highlights
    162     100     100     000     stipple 9       -       pale_highlights
    163     100     100     000     stipple 10      -       horiz_highlights
    164     100     100     000     stipple 11      -       vert_highlights
    165     100     100     377     outline 0       -       outline_highlights
    166     100     100     314     outline 0       -       dotted_highlights
    However, color (octal) number 100 is decimal number 64, which has no
    entry in the colormap file.  So it depends on how magic fills in the
    remaining entries in the colormap.  I haven't checked why the colormap
    entry gets a different value in 16-bit mode than in 8- or 24-bit modes,
    but one way to get around the problem is to redefine those entries as:
    # num   mask    color   outline  fill  number   name     name  
    # ----+------+--------+--------+------+-------+------+--------------
    160     040     040     000     solid   0       -       solid_highlights
    161     040     040     000     stipple 12      -       medium_highlights
    162     040     040     000     stipple 9       -       pale_highlights
    163     040     040     000     stipple 10      -       horiz_highlights
    164     040     040     000     stipple 11      -       vert_highlights
    165     040     040     377     outline 0       -       outline_highlights
    166     040     040     314     outline 0       -       dotted_highlights
    . . . which points to color 63, which is defined as white in the colormap
    file.  The fact that the new color is not related to the "highlight" bit
    (see the comments at the top of the dstyle file) is irrelevant in TrueColor
    mode, so this solution works fine.

    Questions? Contact Rajit Manohar
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