MAGIC Magic Mailing List

From: Jie Chen (xichen AT ece DOT
Date: Fri Sep 20 2002 - 02:04:05 EDT

  • Next message: Spaceborne Calin: "Re: more on compiling magic 7.1 on redhat 7.3"

    I installed some Xfree86 libs that i forgot to install and I no longer
    recieve error messages concerning X11.  But, I still couln't build magic
    and here is the error message:
    --- making modules
    --- making libraries
    --- making main programs
    --- building main magic
    make[2]: *** [magic] Error 1
    and I looked in the make.log file and found bunch of errors concerning
    "undefined reference to ...".  I thought this has something to do with
    some of the optional modules I didn't pick during the configuration, so I
    went back to make config again and answered yes to all the optional
    modules but still no luck!
    I've attached the make.log file as well.
    Please help!
    Thank you very much!
    Jie Chen

    Questions? Contact Rajit Manohar
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