MAGIC Magic Mailing List

From: R. Timothy Edwards (tim AT stravinsky DOT
Date: Thu Oct 03 2002 - 13:27:33 EDT

  • Next message: R. Timothy Edwards: "Re: problems with connectivity in magic"

    Dear Thiago,
    > I've installed magic 7.2 on Linux but when I run it, appears several
    > warnings, listed below:
    > Warning: magic command 'list' use fully-qualified name '::magic::list'
    > Warning: magic command 'echo' use fully-qualified name '::magic::echo'
    > Warning: magic command 'dump' use fully-qualified name '::magic::dump'
    > Warning: magic command 'split' use fully-qualified name '::magic::split'
    > Warning: magic command 'array' use fully-qualified name '::magic::array'
    > Warning: magic command 'source' use fully-qualified name '::magic::source'
    > Warning: magic command 'label' use fully-qualified name '::magic::label'
    > Warning: magic command 'what' use fully-qualified name '::magic::what'
    > Warning: magic command 'edit' use fully-qualified name '::magic::edit'
    > Warning: magic command 'flush' use fully-qualified name '::magic::flush'
    > Warning: magic command 'send' use fully-qualified name '::magic::send'
    > Warning: magic command 'grid' use fully-qualified name '::magic::grid'
    > Warning: magic command 'load' use fully-qualified name '::magic::load'
    > Could anybody tell me what's going on??
       There are some problems/inconsistencies which crop up when combining
    magic with the Tcl interpreter.  One of the major ones is that they
    share a number of command names.  The worst of these (the most commonly
    used) are "label" and "load".  "edit" crops up when using the TkCon
    console.  The way commands are handled in Tcl is that sets of commands
    are given their own "namespaces", which are indicated by the double
    colon ("::").  All commands without the "::" notation are actually just
    aliases to the "real" command name.  So the command "load" is an
    alias for "::tcl::load".  It can be altered to become an alias for
    "::magic::load", but then any TCL script which uses the command "load"
    expecting it to be the TCL command, not the magic command, will get
    an incorrect result.
       Currently, my non-solution is to make all magic commands available
    as aliases for their fully qualified names (e.g., "paint" is an alias
    for "magic::paint") UNLESS there is a conflict with a Tcl command.
    So, from inside magic, you would use "load" to load
    a Tcl shared-object library, but you would need to type "::magic::load
    layout_file.mag" (the two leading colons are unnecessary---a peculiarity
    of the namespace notation) to load a magic layout file.
       There are several possible solutions to the command-name overlap
    problem, but I have not committed to any yet, and I have not worked out
    the details.  It is high on my list of things to do.
    > Also, I've tried running magic with other techcnology file with the
    > -T command but it always load with the technology scmos file. I've
    > already put my new tech file in the folder system.
    Check the revision number of your source against what is currently
    posted on my website.  There were a couple of revisions (3 and/or 4,
    I think) where the command-line parsing was broken (it is now on
    revision 6).  That problem shows up with no error or warning messages
    about the tech file (the command line argument is simply ignored).

    Questions? Contact Rajit Manohar
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