MAGIC Magic Mailing List

From: R. Timothy Edwards (tim AT stravinsky DOT
Date: Mon Oct 14 2002 - 17:09:18 EDT

  • Next message: webmaster: "Language"

    Dear Yongliu,
    > The process seem to hang on a cpp0 step. Has anyone else seen this
    > problem?
    No, but it's not especially surprising.  Hopefully the install process
    created an "install.log" file for you.  Check that file for error
    messages.  The most likely place is the magic/ subdirectory:
    magic/Makefile: ${CPP} ${GR_DFLAGS} ${DFLAGS} proto.magic > ${SYSDIR}/.magic
    where "cpp" has to deal with a lot of preprocessor definitions in
    a file that is not source code.  Because of that, it sometimes takes
    just the right arguments to "cpp" to get it to do the right thing.  Linux
    requires (this is in "defs.mak"):
         CPP = /lib/cpp -P -traditional
    But I can't say offhand what Cygwin likes to see (I'll try to get it
    installed on my new laptop in the next couple of days and find out).
    The first thing to do is to try different combinations of the "-P" and
    "-traditional" flags, and try "make install" again for each one.  As
    a last resort, if "make install" is balking only on this one step, you
    can comment out that line in the magic/Makefile, and keep/remove the
    pieces between the #ifdef...#else...#endif statements according to your
    definitions (XLIB, USE_READLINE, and USE_NEW_MACROS are defined by the
    "make config" process and are put in "defs.mak").  Hopefully you won't
    have to resort to manual preprocessing!

    Questions? Contact Rajit Manohar
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