MAGIC Magic Mailing List

From: sheela rangarajan (sheela259 AT yahoo DOT com)
Date: Sun Dec 01 2002 - 12:10:36 EST

  • Next message: Rajit Manohar: "Re: Help reqd on Magic File Format"

    I am a Masters student at the Stony Brook University. I am doing a project on "Capacitance Extraction using Field Solvers". As part of my project, I require to understand the layout of the Magic File. 
    I have a few queries regarding some of the parameters of the Magic file format. 
    Heres a part of the file where I need some help.
    use filename use-id
    array xlo xhi xsep ylo yhi ysep
    timestamp stamp
    transform a b c d e f
    box xbot ybot xtop ytop
    It would be really nice of you if you could give me some manual  or tutorial which would give me information of the functionality of each of the parameters in bold, especially on "transform" parameter.
    I would be grateful if you could send me the information as soon as possible as I have a pre-project submission to make early next week.
    Looking forward to your reply.
    With regards,
    Sheela Rangarajan.
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    Questions? Contact Rajit Manohar
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