MAGIC Magic Mailing List

From: R. Timothy Edwards (tim AT stravinsky DOT
Date: Mon Dec 23 2002 - 09:37:56 EST

  • Next message: Philippe Pouliquen: "Re: Help on IRSIM 9.5 Installation"

    Dear Anand,
       I recently redesigned the entire "make" process for IRSIM, and the
    result should be a bit more friendly toward operating systems such as
    Solaris.  However, I have not yet tried compiling it under Solaris.
    I have upped the version number from 9.5 to 9.6.  The source code can
    be found at:

    Note that because the new IRSIM "make" matches that for magic, you may
    have to make the same modifications to "defs.mak" as you did for the
    magic compilation.

    Questions? Contact Rajit Manohar
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