MAGIC Magic Mailing List

From: Spaceborne Calin (spaceborne_calin AT yahoo DOT com)
Date: Mon Jan 20 2003 - 11:35:58 EST

  • Next message: Raghu: "Problem compiling magic 7.1 on redhat 7.3"

     --- Atif <atif AT kics DOT> a écrit : > Hello Sir,
    > I am trying to install Magic 7.1 from the last two week and got into
    > a deadlock state. Please sir help me. 
    > I am facing problems in installing Magic 7.1 under Red Hat Linux 8.0
    > on an intel P4 1.6 MHz machine.
    > I have installed Magic 7.1 successfully (I thiought).
    > But can you please tell me now how can I start running the magic? I
    > give the command 
    > /home/cad/>>./magic
    Try on the bash prompt:
    /home/cad/>>  export CAD_HOME=/home/cad  ; ./magic
    The above line presumes that "/home/cad/>>" is your prompt, and that 
    you installed magic in /home/cad (and your current directory is
    The $CAD_HOME environment variable must point to the directory 
    where you installed magic. If this variable is unset magic
    will look for it's startup files in a default location (~cad i think)
    and if nothing it's found it will abort with an error message.
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