MAGIC Magic Mailing List

From: Jeff Sondeen (sondeen AT ISI DOT EDU)
Date: Fri Feb 07 2003 - 22:52:22 EST

  • Next message: R. Timothy Edwards: "Re: magic 7.2 display errors"

    atummala writes:
     > I am working on solaris-8/E-250.when I say "magic" on the console it gives me 
     > the following message.I dont know what it means.please let me know what can I 
     > do.
     > sunflower% magic
     > Magic 7.2 - Compiled on Fri Feb  7 17:25:53 MST 2003.
     > Using PseudoColor, VisualID 0x22 depth 8
     > display_styles must be 1 to 24 under X11sunflower% 
     > sunflower%
     > Anusha.T
    until Tim or someone can fix it, a workaround is the following
    1. cd graphics/
    2. make a backup of grX11su2.c
    3. put the (first secion of) text below into a file called grX11su2.c.dif
    4. patch < grX11su2.c.dif
    5. same for grTk2.c.dif, in the second section below
    *** grX11su2.c~ Thu Dec 19 10:27:50 2002
    --- grX11su2.c  Tue Jan 28 11:14:37 2003
    *** 323,329 ****
                grDStyleType = "24bit";
                if(GrLoadStyles(DBWStyleType, ".", SysLibPath))  MainExit();
    !        if(planeCount == 8) {
                grCurrent.depth = 7;
                planeCount = 7;      /* This resets to old 7-plane mode */
                colorCount = 1 << (planeCount);
    --- 323,336 ----
                grDStyleType = "24bit";
                if(GrLoadStyles(DBWStyleType, ".", SysLibPath))  MainExit();
    !        /*jws:*/
    !        if(1 && planeCount == 8) {
    !        /* if(planeCount > 8) {    /* must load appropriate Dstyle file. */
    !           grDStyleType = "7bit";
    !           if(GrLoadStyles(DBWStyleType, ".", SysLibPath))  MainExit();
    !        }
    !        if(0 && planeCount == 8) {
    !        /*jws^*/
                grCurrent.depth = 7;
                planeCount = 7;      /* This resets to old 7-plane mode */
                colorCount = 1 << (planeCount);
    *** grTk2.c~    Thu Dec 19 10:27:38 2002
    --- grTk2.c     Mon Feb  3 13:40:25 2003
    *** 300,306 ****
              grDStyleType = "24bit";
                if(GrLoadStyles(DBWStyleType, ".", SysLibPath))  MainExit();
    !        if(planeCount == 8) {
                grCurrent.depth = 7;
                planeCount = 7;      /* This resets to old 7-plane mode */
                colorCount = 1 << (planeCount);
    --- 300,313 ----
              grDStyleType = "24bit";
                if(GrLoadStyles(DBWStyleType, ".", SysLibPath))  MainExit();
    !        /*jws:*/
    !        if(1 && planeCount == 8) {
    !        /* if(planeCount > 8) {    /* must load appropriate Dstyle file. */
    !           grDStyleType = "7bit";
    !           if(GrLoadStyles(DBWStyleType, ".", SysLibPath))  MainExit();
    !        }
    !        if(0 && planeCount == 8) {
    !        /*jws^*/
                grCurrent.depth = 7;
                planeCount = 7;      /* This resets to old 7-plane mode */
                colorCount = 1 << (planeCount);

    Questions? Contact Rajit Manohar
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