MAGIC Magic Mailing List

From: R. Timothy Edwards (tim AT stravinsky DOT
Date: Mon Feb 10 2003 - 15:01:48 EST

  • Next message: Jeff Sondeen: "Re: magic DRC error"

    Dear Jeff,
    > Hi Tim, i think i just replied to you when i meant to followup
    > (post) my last email.
    That's okay.  I'm deep into polygon pushing at the moment, so I haven't
    even had time to look at the rulesets and what their implications are.
    I'm pretty sure (without constructing a proof. . . ugh) that your
    "edge4way1" rule can always be effectively instituted with two edge4way
    rules.  If so, then the question is whether the rule happens often
    enough that you would actually get some speedup out of implementing
    it as a single rule (as opposed to making it a macro which decomposes
    itself into several rules in the DRC database).
    I have started a project to make a "techbuilder" script which could
    compile rulesets from a graphical description that would basically
    double as a design rule manual.  I'd like to have the headaches
    associated with working out edge4way rules handled automatically, so
    that techfile writing becomes a process that anyone with a design
    rule manual sitting in front of them can do.  I'd like to work out
    some of the remaining fundamental issues of how magic does (or
    doesn't do) design rule checking so that magic can handle all the
    rules that commercial design rule check programs can (such as doing
    wide metal rules).
    I get lots of kudos for what I've done with magic version 7.2, but
    any of the other developers would quickly (and correctly) point out
    that everything I've added (with the exception of non-Manhattan
    geometry) is largely superficial, and doesn't touch on some of the
    fundamental problems of magic, including unimplementable DRC rules
    and lots of extraction issues.

    Questions? Contact Rajit Manohar
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