MAGIC Magic Mailing List

From: Michael Doster (mtdos AT erols DOT com)
Date: Wed Feb 12 2003 - 21:47:51 EST

  • Next message: Rajit Manohar: "Re: trouble compiling on Mac OS X.2"

    I just tested the attached patch against the magic-7.1.5 archive on Tim
    Edward's website and it worked. The patch was created by running "make
    config" first with the following options; X11, FreeBSD, macII (machine
    choice) and everything else set to their default values.  Hope this helps.
    -- Mike Doster
    > I am having trouble compiling magic on a Mac OS 10.2.3 machine.  I have
    > applied the wisdom of previous Mac OS X threads and managed to get the
    > number of errors down.  I tried this on the current default download
    > (7.1) and what I got with the CVS checkout (7.?.?) on 2/11/03.
    > According to the threads, some have managed to compile using 7.1.5, but
    > I don't understand how to extract 7.1.5 from the CVS repository.
    > I was able to get all the modules to compile using the current CVS
    > checkout by doing the same thing everywhere for "define(macosx)" as
    > "define(__FreeBSD__)" [or "define(__NetBSD__)" in one case].  These are
    > the files that I changed were:
    > misc/magic.h
    > misc/path.h
    > plot/plotInt.h
    > resis/ResRex.c
    > util/getrect.c
    > I also changed readline/Makefile as suggested (using darwin, darwin1.4,
    > darwin6.3):
    > cd readline; CC="${CC}" CFLAGS="${CFLAGS}"
    > LOCAL_DEFS="${READLINE_DEFS}" ./configure powerpc-apple-darwin1.4;
    > ${MAKE}
    > and used these definitions in defs.mak:
    > CC                     = cc
    > CPP                    = /usr/bin/cpp -P
    > CPPFLAGS               = -I. -I${MAGICDIR} -I${MAGICDIR}/readline
    > DFLAGS                 =  -DmacII -DUSE_READLINE -DUSE_NEW_MACROS
    > -Dmacosx
    > CFLAGS                 = -g  -O2
    > READLINE_LIBS          =  -L${MAGICDIR}/readline/readline -lreadline
    > -L/usr/lib -lncurses
    > Now the only problem is making main programs ext2sim, ext2spice, magic,
    > extcheck, XHelper7, and main.  This seems to be due to
    > ld: Undefined symbols:
    > _set42sig
    > _end
    > _etext
    > I have already spent a lot of time trying to get this to work.  Anybody
    > have any suggestions?   Thanks.
    > Here is the make.log:

    Questions? Contact Rajit Manohar
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