MAGIC Magic Mailing List

From: R. Timothy Edwards (tim AT stravinsky DOT
Date: Mon Mar 17 2003 - 10:37:20 EST

  • Next message: Phyllis R. Nelson: "Has anyone made a PC board technology file for magic?"

    Dear Charles,
    >     2. On a seperate but related subject, I am trying to extract a spice
    > netlist. I can load an inverter from say the UKANS web site library
    > "invf100.mag" and "extract", followed by "exttospice" from within magic. The
    > invf100.spice file has L & W filled in, but AD, AS, PD and PS are all zero.
    > I have tried just drawing poly over ndiff with various tech27 files and I
    > get the same thing (L,W OK, areas & perims are zero).  There must be a trick
    > to get non-zero areas and perimeters from the extraction. I have studied the
    > .ext files and they seem to make sense, its just the .spice that has zero
    > areas & perims.
    The output of zero area and perimeter is "correct" as far as exttospice
    is concerned.  Exttospice avoids redundantly specifying parasitic
    capacitance on transistor sources/drains by piling all of the area and
    perimeter for a node (network) onto one transistor (element) S/D connected
    to that node, and leaving all the other nodes with zero area and perimeter.
    You can pass the switch "-d" to exttospice (and ext2spice, in the non-Tcl
    version) which distributes area and perimeter evenly among devices
    connected to a single node.  As far as I can tell, this switch is
    I made one change in either magic version 7.1 or 7.2 in which I uncommented
    a line of code which outputs a "short" node merge record to the .ext
    file.  This "short" form (with no area/perimeter values) is not strictly
    according to the .ext file format spec, and "exttospice" and "exttosim"
    flag it with a warning.  I am not aware of any difference in output from
    previous versions other than the warning.  Assuming there isn't any, I
    have removed the warning print statement from exttospice and exttosim in
    the latest version (not yet posted; probably will be posted next week).
    More importantly than the area/perimeter warning, I have rewritten
    several things in the exttospice and exttosim code.  There was also a
    message "no such node" for "global" nodes "Vdd!" and "GND!".  Labeling
    Vdd and GND with exclamation points is okay for everything internal to
    magic, but I've found it doesn't work well with other applications (as
    a bad example, archaic SPICE versions which want to see "0" for ground).
    The Tcl-based version provides a much better way to handle global nodes:
    Set global variables "$GND" and "$VDD" in Tcl to match the actual names
    of the ground and power nodes in the layout.
    While I was going through that code, I found some other incorrect
    behavior with exttospice and exttosim which comes from their original
    instantiation as standalone programs.  One is that the devices "nfet"
    and "pfet" are built-in, with hard-coded values, instead of being
    taken from the tech file.  So all devices are effectively extracted as
    scmos devices, regardless of the technology (unless you pass a slew of
    detailed information through the command-line arguments).  In addition,
    one of the node resistance classes was hard-coded to a value which
    appears to come from a long, long ago version of the scmos tech file,
    ensuring that the well resistance under pMOS devices is way, way too
    low (the resistance class is the class for metal1, not nwell).  I'm
    not sure how often this would show up in simulation.  But it underscores
    the need to have ext2spice and ext2sim as part of magic, not as
    standalone programs, so they can pick up all relevant information about
    the technology.
    I will write up a set of tutorial files before next week.  I have
    tentatively scheduled a seminar at APL about improvements to magic &
    friends, which forces me to have some kind of usable documentation 
    before March 24.
    > Well, I downloaded magic-7.2.30, irsim-9.6.5 & netgen-1.2.0 to one of my
    > systems today. I was able to compile with the tcl option magic and irsim,
    > but the netgen tcl compile fails with an error in tclnetgen.c regarding too
    > few arguments to strncmp in line 634. It also has a warning that
    > NETGEN_VERSION is redfined (the two definitions are in netgen.h and
    > ntk2adl.c). I can run a non-tcl compile on netgen and it completes
    > successfully.
    I worked over netgen last week and was making great headway with it,
    so I will have to check for those two errors.  I didn't mess with the
    code around the strncmp() error, so I suppose it's still there (should
    be "strncmp(Tcl_GetString(objv[1]), "list", 4)").  I didn't do a
    "#include <string.h>" at the top of tclnetgen.c, so my system doesn't
    check the argument list.  Apparently your OS includes "string.h" by
    default.  The NETGEN_VERSION redefinition should not be coming from
    "ntk2adl" (don't know why it was reported that way), but from dual
    definitions in "netgen.h" and the top-level "Makefile".  Delete the one
    in "netgen.h".
    Thanks for your bug reports and continued interest in the program
    development (in spite of the occasional flakiness of the alpha code).

    Questions? Contact Rajit Manohar
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