MAGIC Magic Mailing List

From: Stefan Jones (stefan.jones AT multigig DOT com)
Date: Fri Mar 28 2003 - 16:13:46 EST

  • Next message: Stefan Robert: "Re: magic 7.2 and compile problems with MacOS X"

    On Fri, 2003-03-28 at 12:45, cfk wrote:
    > Thank you Stefan, and a question. I can do a plot in out, but plot i(vdd)
    > gets nowhere.
    I take it you are trying to plot the current going though node Vdd, try 
    >  Are there some special considerations to get some of the
    > functions of spice from within the tkcon window that magic starts up with? I
    > have to admit I am a bit of a newcomer to spice, being a programmer mostly
    > for the last few years. This IC thing just has my imagination fired up and I
    > want to understand as much as I possibly can.
    Adding "package require spice" to your .magic file should work!
    for more polished integration:
    tclspice is basically the normal ngspice binary with all the commands
    wrapped to TCL functions.
    I also added some extra functions to export Tcl/BLT vectors either
    though the plot interface or by name and array range (see
    spice::spicetoblt command ).
    The pretty graphics, the current plot command, is all done on the Tcl
    side in the pkgIndex.tcl file.
    Unfortunately the spice C source code uses printf quite a lot so the
    output for most commands goes to the command line (not Tk console).
    There is a quick fix by doing:
    #undef printf
    #define printf my_printf
    int my_printf() {
    /* Some C code which writes the output to Tcl though the Tcl puts
    command */
    in some header file. The Tcl_interp will need to be stored somewhere so
    it can be used by my_printf for calling Tcl_Eval. 
    Also some checks will need to made so when spice is running in a thread
    it doesn't use the interp otherwise a race will occur.
    I hope this is what you are after,
    Stefan Jones <stefan.jones AT multigig DOT com>
    Multigig Ltd

    Questions? Contact Rajit Manohar
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