MAGIC Magic Mailing List

From: Michael Doster (mtdos AT erols DOT com)
Date: Mon Mar 31 2003 - 21:55:42 EST

  • Next message: Stefan Jones: "Re: my_printf in tclspice"

    After starting magic-7.2.32, I grabbed the following 2 lines from Mac OS X's
    console log:
    Mar 31 21:51:02 SilverSurfer WindowServer[174]: Reserved range exhausted.
    (0xbbf5d000 to 0xbc162000 goes out of bounds)
    Mar 31 21:51:08 SilverSurfer WindowServer[174]: Reserved range exhausted.
    (0xbbecb000 to 0xbc1d0000 goes out of bounds)
    Anybody have any idea what it means?  The X_COLORMAP_BASE and
    X_COLORMAP_RESERVED are set to the values defined in grX11su1.c.
    -- Mike Doster
    > Dear Tim,
    > Ok, I tried the following:
    > setenv X_COLORMAP_BASE 0
    > setenv X_COLORMAP_RESERVED 0
    > Result:
    > Unable to allocate 7 planes in default colormap; making a new one
    > Warning:  Cannot match colormap of wrapper to layout.
    > The background is all black, and all the layer palette's colors are all
    > mixed up. All layers are kinda shades of gray. I can distinguish some
    > things but this is not at all usable.
    > ------
    > setenv X_COLORMAP_BASE 0
    > setenv X_COLORMAP_RESERVED 2
    > Result:
    > Unable to allocate 7 planes in default colormap; making a new one.
    > Warning:  Cannot match colormap of wrapper to layout.
    > Same behaviour as above
    > ------
    > setenv X_COLORMAP_BASE 0
    > setenv X_COLORMAP_RESERVED 4
    > Result:
    > Unable to allocate 7 planes in default colormap; making a new one.
    > Warning:  Cannot match colormap of wrapper to layout.
    > Same behaviour as above
    > ------
    > setenv X_COLORMAP_BASE 128
    > setenv X_COLORMAP_RESERVED 0
    > Result:
    > Unable to allocate 7 planes in default colormap; making a new one.
    > Warning:  Cannot match colormap of wrapper to layout.
    > Background color is off to a dark grey but everything else is mixed up.
    > Unusable.
    > ------
    > setenv X_COLORMAP_BASE 128
    > setenv X_COLORMAP_RESERVED 2
    > Result:
    > Unable to allocate 7 planes in default colormap; making a new one.
    > Only 126 contiguous colors were available.
    > Warning:  Cannot match colormap of wrapper to layout.
    > This is the first time I see the "Only 126 contiguous colors were
    > available." error message from my different trials.
    > Background color is white and it looks a lot like the default compile I
    > did... meaning it is unusable colors all mixed up but differently then
    > the above.
    > ------
    > setenv X_COLORMAP_BASE 128
    > setenv X_COLORMAP_RESERVED 4
    > Result:
    > Unable to allocate 7 planes in default colormap; making a new one.
    > Only 124 contiguous colors were available.
    > Warning:  Cannot match colormap of wrapper to layout.
    > Ok, I can see the relation with the error message "Only 124 contiguous
    > colors were available" and the X_COLORMAP_RESERVED variable.
    > Colors looks like the one just above with  X_COLORMAP_RESERVED=2
    > ------
    > setenv X_COLORMAP_BASE 256
    > setenv X_COLORMAP_RESERVED 0
    > Result:
    > Unable to allocate 7 planes in default colormap; making a new one.
    > Only 0 contiguous colors were available.
    > Warning:  Cannot match colormap of wrapper to layout.
    > Now I just figured I could try this (2x128) but it does not work.
    > ------
    > setenv X_COLORMAP_BASE 256
    > setenv X_COLORMAP_RESERVED 4
    > Result:
    > Unable to allocate 7 planes in default colormap; making a new one.
    > Only -4 contiguous colors were available.
    > Warning:  Cannot match colormap of wrapper to layout.
    > Tried this just for fun... This prevented the magic layout window to
    > open. As a matter of fact, only the command line window appeared but it
    > froze. I had to kill wish from the command line.
    > If you have anymore suggestions, tell me and I'll be happy to try them.
    > Regards,
    > Stefan
    > Le Lundi, 31 mars 2003, à 12:03 America/Montreal, R. Timothy Edwards a
    > écrit :
    >> Dear Stefan,
    >>    I stated incorrectly how to set 24-bit color;  for csh/tcsh
    >> shells, the correct invocation is "setenv MAGIC_COLOR 24bit".
    >> I should also mention that you can test the colormap BASE and
    >> RESERVED values without recompiling.  These can also be set
    >> via environment variable, using
    >> setenv X_COLORMAP_BASE 0
    >> setenv X_COLORMAP_RESERVED 2
    >> or
    >> export X_COLORMAP_BASE=0
    >> export X_COLORMAP_RESERVED=2
    >> as appropriate for the shell program being used.  This is, in
    >> fact, the only way to get the colors to be correct when running in
    >> 8-bit mode across a network, e.g., on a PC being used as an X
    >> terminal.
    >> Regards,
    >> Tim

    Questions? Contact Rajit Manohar
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