MAGIC Magic Mailing List

From: R. Timothy Edwards (tim AT stravinsky DOT
Date: Wed Apr 30 2003 - 12:12:10 EDT

  • Next message: John Griessen: "Re: "table-driven" techfiles"

    Dear Mark,
    > In this age of CMP rules, it would also be nice to check layer density.
    > Presently I feed a flat CIf file to a script that calculates this.  For
    > some reason my results don't always match with MOSIS.  It hasn't been 
    > a problem since my results are always lower than MOSIS, so if my
    > calculations pass the rules, I am good.
    > The other technique is to let MOSIS do the fill for you, but if I am
    > going to fill in white space, I just assume fill with my
    > poly-poly2-m1-m2-m3 bypass caps.
       Yes, actually after my last experience with trying to calculate
    layer densities prior to submitting a layout, I decided I should add
    that feature, as it should be fairly easy to implement.  I was also
    thinking that it would be a useful feature to add "cifoutput" rules
    for automatic fills---take everything on a plane to be filled, grow
    it until it all gloms together, invert the result inside the layout
    bounding box, and then apply a rule similar to "squares" to draw in
    filler structures.
       Also a cifoutput "slots" rule would be nice, but the usual
    requirement that slots need to be in the direction of current flow
    makes this difficult to implement correctly in all cases.

    Questions? Contact Rajit Manohar
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