MAGIC Magic Mailing List

From: Atif (atif AT kics DOT
Date: Thu May 29 2003 - 07:03:16 EDT

  • Next message: Svenn Are Bjerkem: "Where do emails about pcb go?"

    Dear tim,
    is that "exttosim cthresh infinite" and "exttosim rthresh infinite"
    or "ext2sim cthresh infinite" and "ext2sim rthresh infinite"?
    I have tried it but it is unable to find any infinite file. Please see the
    outputs below. The netlists still mismatch.
    [root AT atif magicfiles]# /home/cad/bin/magic nor DOT mag
    Magic 7.1 - Compiled on Tue Jan  7 16:41:30 PKT 2003.
    CAD_HOME sets "~cad" to "/home/cad/".
    Using technology "scmos", version 8.2.8.
    MOSIS Scalable CMOS Technology for Standard Rules
    Using TrueColor, VisualID 0x23 depth 24
    Loading modules:
     [help] [box] [drc] [label] [draw] [stack] [prs] [gate] [sel]
    Use scm-help ? for help on some scheme functions
    :ext all
    Unknown command: 'ext' 'all' at (417, -139)
    Did you point to the correct window?
    :ext all
    Extracting nor into nor.ext:
    [root@atif magicfiles]# ls
    nor  nor.ext  nor.mag
    [root@atif magicfiles]# /home/cad/bin/ext2sim cthresh infinite
    Warning: multiple input files specified; ignoring cthresh
    CAD_HOME sets "~cad" to "/home/cad/".
    infinite: No such file or directory
    Q.1.It is unable to find any infinite file or directory.Why?
    Memory used: 24k
    [root@atif magicfiles]# ls  infinite.nodes  infinite.sim  nor  nor.ext  nor.mag
    [root@atif magicfiles]# /home/cad/bin/ext2sim rthresh infinite
    Warning: multiple input files specified; ignoring rthresh
    CAD_HOME sets "~cad" to "/home/cad/".
    infinite: No such file or directory
    Memory used: 24k
    [root@atif magicfiles]# ls  infinite.nodes  infinite.sim  nor  nor.ext  nor.mag
    [root AT atif magicfiles]# jed infinite DOT sim
    [root AT atif magicfiles]# /home/cad/bin/ext2sim -t! -t# nor DOT ext
    CAD_HOME sets "~cad" to "/home/cad/".
    Memory used: 28k
    [root@atif magicfiles]# ls     infinite.sim   nor.mag    nor.sim
    infinite.nodes  nor           nor.ext  nor.nodes
    [root AT atif magicfiles]# cd  DOT .
    [root@atif Netgen]# ls
    magicfiles  netgen-1.2.3  netgen-1.2.3.tgz  NETGENprob  xcircuitfiles
    [root AT atif Netgen]# netcomp magicfiles/nor DOT sim xcircuitfiles/nor.sim
    Strange token in .sim: 'R'
    line number 8 = 'R a_9_n5 238'
    Strange token in .sim: 'R'
    line number 10 = 'R a 1038'
    Strange token in .sim: 'R'
    line number 12 = 'R z 460'
    Strange token in .sim: 'R'
    line number 14 = 'R b 871'
    Strange token in .sim: 'R'
    line number 16 = 'R GND 441'
    Strange token in .sim: 'R'
    line number 18 = 'R Vdd 7055'
    Comparing cells: magicfiles/nor.sim (circuit 1) and xcircuitfiles/nor.sim
    Contents of circuit 1:  Cell: 'magicfiles/nor.sim'
    Cell magicfiles/nor.sim contains 11 instances.
      Class: c                    instances:   7
      Class: n                    instances:   2
      Class: p                    instances:   2
    Cell contains 13 nodes.
    Contents of circuit 2:  Cell: 'xcircuitfiles/nor.sim'
    Cell xcircuitfiles/nor.sim contains 4 instances.
      Class: n                    instances:   2
      Class: p                    instances:   2
    Cell contains 6 nodes.
    Circuit 1 contains 11 elements, Circuit 2 contains 4 elements. *** MISMATCH
    Circuit 1 contains 13 nodes,    Circuit 2 contains 6 nodes. *** MISMATCH ***
    Element Mismatch: Circuit 1 has 11, Circuit 2 has 4.
    Node Mismatch: Circuit 1 has 13, Circuit 2 has 6.
    Iteration:   0: Element classes =    3 (+3);     Node classes =    1 (+1)
    Iteration:   1: Element classes =    3 (+0);     Node classes =    4 (+3)
    Iteration:   2: Element classes =    5 (+2);     Node classes =    4 (+0)
    Iteration:   3: Element classes =    5 (+0);     Node classes =    4 (+0)
    Iteration:   4: Element classes =    5 (+0);     Node classes =    4 (+0)
    Circuits do not match.
    ILLEGAL element partition: class fragments follow (with node fanout counts):
      (1): c1           ==>  (c_top, c_bot) = (); c_bot = 4; c_dummy = 1
      (1): c2           ==>  (c_top, c_bot) = (); c_bot = 4; c_dummy = 1
      (1): c3           ==>  (c_top, c_bot) = (); c_bot = 8; c_dummy = 1
      (1): c5           ==>  (c_top, c_bot) = (); c_bot = 8; c_dummy = 1
      (1): c4           ==>  (c_top, c_bot) = (); c_bot = 8; c_dummy = 1
      (1): c6           ==>  (c_top, c_bot) = (); c_bot = 8; c_dummy = 1
      (1): c7           ==>  (c_top, c_bot) = (); c_bot = 8; c_dummy = 1
    ILLEGAL node partition: class fragments follow (with fanouts):
      (1): z                 ==>   n:drain = 2; p:drain = 1; c:c_top = 1
      (1): Vdd               ==>   p:drain = 1; c:c_top = 3
      (1): GND               ==>   n:drain = 2; c:c_top = 6
      (2): GND               ==>   n:drain = 2
      (1): cdum1             ==>   c:c_dummy = 1
      (1): cdum2             ==>   c:c_dummy = 1
      (1): cdum3             ==>   c:c_dummy = 1
      (1): cdum4             ==>   c:c_dummy = 1
      (1): cdum5             ==>   c:c_dummy = 1
      (1): cdum6             ==>   c:c_dummy = 1
      (1): cdum7             ==>   c:c_dummy = 1
      (2): Vdd               ==>   p:drain = 1
      (2): out               ==>   p:drain = 1; n:drain = 2
      (2): ext9              ==>   p:drain = 2
      (1): a_9_n5            ==>   p:drain = 2
    Cells are different.
    [root@atif Netgen]#
    Please guide me how to get rid of that?
    ----- Original Message -----
    From: "R. Timothy Edwards" <tim AT stravinsky DOT>
    To: <atif AT kics DOT>
    Sent: Wednesday, May 28, 2003 6:41 PM
    Subject: RE: netgen
    > Dear Atif,
    >    You're doing the right thing with netgen.  The only thing you
    > want to make sure of, in this case, is that magic doesn't write out
    > lumped capacitance and resistance records (parasitics).  Netgen
    > ignores the lumped-resistance 'R' records (because they are 1-node
    > devices, so they can't be interpreted as anything physical), but
    > it's reading the parasitic caps and failing to match them to anything
    > in the schematic-capture sim file.
    >    Use "exttosim cthresh infinite" and "exttosim rthresh infinite"
    > to prevent magic from writing parasitics, before doing "exttosim".
    > Regards,
    > Tim

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