MAGIC Magic Mailing List

From: tim (chuang AT siti DOT
Date: Mon Jun 09 2003 - 22:37:20 EDT

  • Next message: tim: "Re: magic-7.2 and tutorials (extresis)"

    >   FYI---if you do "exttosim help", you get a full list of options to
    >exttosim (these are options which are not available in the non-Tcl,
    >standalone ext2sim program).  One of these is "labels on|off".  If
    >you do "exttosim labels", you get "off", indicating that the .nodes
    >file is not generated by default.  Do "exttosim labels on" to get the
    >correct behavior.
    Actually, I've try the "exttosim help", and it is my fault that I
    haven't noticed that it states quite clearly that the ".nodes" file can
    be enabled by the "exttosim label" command. Sorry.
    By the way, if I do "exttoresis tolerance", it dose not display the
    current value as "exttosim labels" dose. And "exttosim extresist on"
    will produce cell.EXT.nodes but not cell.nodes, and will confuse
    extresis command.
    Tim Chuang

    Questions? Contact Rajit Manohar
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