MAGIC Magic Mailing List

From: R. Timothy Edwards (tim AT stravinsky DOT
Date: Mon Jul 28 2003 - 16:03:02 EDT

  • Next message: R. Timothy Edwards: "RE: magic manuals"

    Dear Manik,
       I just checked your CIF file on magic 7.2, and it reads in with only
    one problem, which is that the substrate and well contacts get eliminated
    due to the way magic performs boolean arithmetic on layers and the way the
    contacts are set in subcells in the CIF file (it is trivial to redraw
    the contacts back in).
       HOWEVER---I don't think the problem you see relates to polygons, and
    so is not an issue of what version of magic you're using.  I think it
    relates to the fact that the CIF file "adder.cif" does not define any
    geometry on the top level of the hierarchy;  its hierarchical setup is
    much more like a GDS2 file.  For that reason, I think you'll find that
    if you do:
    	cif read adder
    	load adder
    you will discover your missing circuit.
       As an offhand comment, magic version 7.2 compiled with Tcl has a "cell
    manager" which shows the hierarchy of cells loaded in memory.  I used
    this feature to immediately pinpoint the problem with the CIF file.

    Questions? Contact Rajit Manohar
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