MAGIC Magic Mailing List

From: R. Timothy Edwards (tim AT stravinsky DOT
Date: Mon Aug 04 2003 - 14:19:53 EDT

  • Next message: Mail Delivery Subsystem: "Returned mail: see transcript for details"

    Dear Charles,
       You are correct that there are errors in the rev. 44 code (and probably
    were in revisions 43 and 42 as well) which prevent the "module" options
    from working correctly.  The "module" option, which causes some of the
    functions to be turned into separate shared-object libraries (essentially
    like the "module" compile options for the Linux kernel), was experimental,
    and while it works (usually), I tend to break the code a lot.  If you
    compile using the gnu autoconf "configure" script, there is no way to
    enable the modules.  Did you compile that way the second time, rather
    than using the "make config" script?
       Anyway, I have corrected the problem in revision 45, currently
    posted;  that's the only change made between revsions 44 and 45, so you
    don't need to rush out and download the new version.

    Questions? Contact Rajit Manohar
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