MAGIC Magic Mailing List

From: cfk (cfk AT pacbell DOT net)
Date: Sat Sep 13 2003 - 13:37:57 EDT

  • Next message: cfk: "magic -7.3.0"

    Well, I just downloaded magic-7.2.49.tgz from Tim's web site and compiled on
    both a RedHat8 and a RedHat9 system. This is the formula I used:
    from /home/cad
    tar -xvzf magic-7.2.49.tgz
    cd magic-7.2.49
    cd scripts
    ./configure --with-tcl --with-open-gl
    cd ..
    make tcl
    make install-tcl
    At this point, there was a new magic directory in /usr/local/lib and a new
    magic executable in /usr/local/bin. I could invoke 'magic -w' and see that
    the compilation date was this morning. So, from that I would declare success
    with magic-7.2.49.
    On the "be aware" front, I suspect that those of us that have /home/cad and
    a /home/cad/lib, /home/cad/bin with a $CAD_HOME have to accept the fact that
    there are some rocks in the magic road as we wean our way from 'make config'
    to './configure'. I have found that I need to be very particular to ensure
    that files I think are being read or executed are really not others in a
    different place on the computer. I would not be at all surprised if this is
    some of the current compilation issue we are having.
    In any case, I'm off to study Tim's magic 7.3.
    With highest regards, Charles
    ----- Original Message -----
    From: "Marc Murphy" <mwmurphyx AT yahoo DOT com>
    To: <magic-dev AT csl DOT>
    Sent: Saturday, September 13, 2003 4:39 AM
    Subject: Arrgh, Redhat 8
    > Hello team, are you aware of any problems compiling Magic using Redhat 8?
    > Marc Murphy

    Questions? Contact Rajit Manohar
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