MAGIC Magic Mailing List

From: Stefan Robert (s.robert AT usherbrooke DOT ca)
Date: Tue Sep 30 2003 - 12:35:02 EDT

  • Next message: R. Timothy Edwards: "RE: Autoconf problems with Mac-OS X"

    I was not aware of this when not compiling TCL, but I want to compile 
    with TCl and OpenGL. Since the make config works, the autoconf script 
    can be make to work also, like Tim pointed out it is just a matter of 
    passing the right parameters to CFLAGS... I just do not have the 
    experience to understand the configure file to modify it correctly.
    Le lundi, 29 sep 2003, à 23:48 America/Montreal, Adam Fedor a écrit :
    > On Mon, 2003-09-29 at 20:12, Stefan Robert wrote:
    >> Tim,
    >> thanks for the suggestions, I looked for the differences between the
    >> two defs.mak files and found out that the following lines are defined
    >> in the defs.mak file from the make config script and missing in the
    >> defs.mak file from the configure script:
    > I just wanted to point out my experience compiling on MacOS X.  I
    > compiled using the configure script, without tcl, just like this:
    > configure
    > cd ..
    > make
    > make install
    > and everything worked fine. Except that the script was
    > installed (that expected tcl) not the magic binary. This is with 
    > Apple's
    > native compiler and Apple's X11 server.
    > Also I got a few warnings when installing that could be fixed by adding
    > -no-cpp-precomp to CPPFLAGS, but it's probably not a big deal (It 
    > occurs
    > when "cc -E' is being used to to work on the scmos files).

    Questions? Contact Rajit Manohar
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