MAGIC Magic Mailing List

From: Steven M Brown (smbrown AT cse DOT
Date: Wed Oct 22 2003 - 16:04:51 EDT

  • Next message: R. Timothy Edwards: "RE: pseudo-resistor layers"

    I have investigated your suggestion and deemed it an ugly kludge. It is
    only to be surpassed by the horrible, ugly kludge that I would have to put
    in place to clean it up.
    Magic knows the per-lambda resistances (it puts the resistance class at
    the top of the .ext file) and it was able to extract the length and width
    of the "pseudo-fet" using the pseudo-resistor layers.
    Why does Magic not know how to put 2 and 2 together (or in this case
    resistor_class/pseudofet_width*pseudofet_length) and dump the resistor
    value directly into the .ext file?
    Idle thoughts on how to accomplish this without breaking the technology
    file, the ext file format, and everyone's designs...
    Why not use REX's resistance identification code (the one which says "I
    should extract THIS NODE") with the length calculation routine used in the
    pseudo-layer extractor to generate the resistances directly? It might be
    nice if the "res:force@" label could be used to circumvent the tolerance
    optimization. Is the pseudo-layer --really-- needed to identify the entire
    area which needs to be lumped into the pseudo-fet? Is this the reason why
    a sim file is needed before ;extres works?
    On Wed, 22 Oct 2003, Jeff Sondeen wrote:
    > Steven M Brown writes:
    >  > I am still using 7.1 and am having trouble extracting the resistances for
    >  > the attached file.
    > hi why don't you use 'pseudo-resistor' layers, to designate your
    > resistors and have them extracted as 'resistor devices' during normal
    > ';extract' (that you will have to edit after 'ext2spice', before
    > running spice), see the example
    > warning: you'll have to read the README and CHANGELOG files to figure
    > out how to use that style of techfile

    Questions? Contact Rajit Manohar
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