MAGIC Magic Mailing List

From: Jeff Sondeen (sondeen AT ISI DOT EDU)
Date: Thu Oct 23 2003 - 12:51:52 EDT

  • Next message: Craig Stevenson: "Cadence interface to Magic?"

     > following: the pseudo-layer calculation is easily fooled and extresist,
    hi Steve, i think your 'the calculation is ... fooled', refers to
    you're not getting the L/W you want, given the area/perimeter of the
    'rpoly' to poly/prp boundaries you draw, but those are in your
    control, right?
    consider a fet. if you have a W/L = 5/2 fet, but instead of drawing it
    like this:
    you draw it offset like this:
    then the L/W derived from the sum of area/perimeters for each tile
    (10/5+5+2+2 in the first case, 10/5+5+3+3 in the second case) is not
    going to give you the W/L you expect (5/2).  this is a limitation of
    magic, that it won't extract L/W correctly for non-rectangular
    non-convex regions (since it double counts some perimeter tiles).
    by the way, a separate issue is that even with rectangular regions,
    the quadratic equation solution for L/W can sometimes surprise you
    with large diode-connected fets. it's "right", that is, the area and
    perimeter it yields matches what you drew, but surprising, and "wrong"
    from the standpoint of spice, which needs to have accurate L/W for
    proper parasitics, altho this usually isn't a problem with diodes,
    and that's the only case i've seen it.

    Questions? Contact Rajit Manohar
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