MAGIC Magic Mailing List

From: David Fletcher (rdfletcher AT attbi DOT com)
Date: Fri Oct 24 2003 - 18:13:40 EDT

  • Next message: Jeff Sondeen: "Re: Cadence interface to Magic?"

    Hi all,
    There's also the electric editor (,
    which does routing.  It's been a long time since I used it, but it's
    still being used and improved.
    David Fletcher                          Tuscany Design Automation, Inc.
    frodo AT tuscanyda DOT com                     5875 S. Danube Circle
    303.690.4309                            Aurora, CO 80015-3169 USA
    >>>>> "RM" == Rajit Manohar <rajit AT csl DOT> writes:
    RM> Hi,
    RM> Magic can produce GDS stream output and read GDS stream input (using
    RM> the :calma command) as long as the technology file contains sections
    RM> for calma I/O.
    RM> Magic has some rudimentary routing capability. I normally use the
    RM> interactive router (:iroute) to route individual nets, but normally I
    RM> don't use it for large autorouting problems. Maybe others have used it 
    RM> for this purpose?
    RM> -Rajit

    Questions? Contact Rajit Manohar
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