MAGIC Magic Mailing List

From: Adam Fedor (fedor AT doc DOT com)
Date: Thu Nov 20 2003 - 12:16:10 EST

  • Next message: g4ben AT comcast DOT net: "Re: Compiling Magic for Mac OSX"

    On Wednesday, November 19, 2003, at 10:00 PM, Ben wrote:
    > I am attempting to compile magic 7.2.24 for Mac OS x 10.2.8. I am very 
    > new
    > to this whole thing and was wondering if someone could walk me through 
    > it. I
    > am using terminal to compile, should I be in X11? I am using make 
    > should I
    > use gmake instead. In the make config step I am selecting none for 
    > scripts
    > rather than TCL/TK, I am selecting X11 rather than OpenGL, and 
    > including all
    > modules. Should I be doing something different. The error messages 
    > that I am
    > getting are in the make phase and are as follows:
    > "--- installing to users/benha/desktop/magic
    > /bin/sh: cd: users/benha/desktop/magic/lib/magic/sys: No such file or
    > directory
    Perhaps you specified the wrong --prefix when configuring?
    I think it should be

    Questions? Contact Rajit Manohar
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