MAGIC Magic Mailing List

From: Graham Petley (graham.petley AT vlsitechnology DOT org)
Date: Wed Dec 17 2003 - 07:28:27 EST

   In my cells, the connectors are all in metal and the labels
are inside the cell. Some are over polysilicon or diffusion
contacts. Normally labels are associated with the metal layer, 
the ones over the contacts are associated with the contacts, as
shown by this example from a MAG file:

rlabel metal1 36 40 36 40 6 a1
rlabel polycontact 44 32 44 32 6 a2
rlabel metal1 28 32 28 32 6 b
rlabel metal1 12 48 12 48 6 z

The cells are initially read from a CIF file, and this is
confirmed during the cif read by a message like:

Moving label "a2" from metal1 to polycontact in cell aoi21v0x2

I find that when I write out a CIF file, a label over a contact
is written out without an associated layer name:

94 a1 72 80 CMF;
94 a2 88 64;
94 b 56 64 CMF;
94 z 24 96 CMF;

This causes problems for the program reading the CIF file,
which interpretes the a2 label co-ordinates wrongly. At this
moment, I am fixing the problem with a nasty script hack. Is
there any way of avoiding it more elegantly?

Best regards und Froeliches Weihnachten, Graham

Graham Petley
ASIC Specialist and Consulting Engineer
Metzstrasse 14, 81667 Munich, Germany
Phone +49-89-6349-7630   Mobile +49-177-282-5072

Questions? Contact Rajit Manohar
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