MAGIC Magic Mailing List

From: Graham Petley (graham.petley AT vlsitechnology DOT org)
Date: Mon Dec 22 2003 - 13:31:07 EST

Ladies and Gentlemen,

   I have updated my vsclib library release at
The layout can be downloaded in Magic, Alliance and CIF

   The new release has full spice characterisation source files
and results plus schematics drawn in xcircuit. Xcircuit has the
advantage that its file format is not proprietary, but
Postscript, so any software that can view Postscript can view
these schematics. There is also an on-line data book with a
summary of characterisation data in a generic 0.13um
technology. I also wrote a big help file called README.txt
which should make it easier to use this library.

   Feel free to download it!

Graham Petley
ASIC Specialist and Consulting Engineer
Metzstrasse 14, 81667 Munich, Germany
Phone +49-89-6349-7630   Mobile +49-177-282-5072

Questions? Contact Rajit Manohar
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